Thursday, January 24, 2013

You are dying of thirst in the desert

 A group of nomads comes by and offers you an empty water pouch. Of course it is of no use to you so you refuse it. They speak among themselves and vote yes, that is all you will get. Two days later the same group passes again herding their camels and although they really don't want to give up any water they this time say O.K., since you are desperate we will offer you a half full pouch. It is not enough to truly satiate your thirst but you know it is that or the empty pouch so you take it.
 That is an overdramitization of the negotiations over the exercise room disagreement. Here is how it shakes out. Originally the exercise room was to be open to all at no charge from 5 a.m. until closing with extra personnel hired to man it, extra cleaning help and supplies, and more. That passed finance. You have read in an earlier post the revisions made. This is the best we could do. 
Some are angry with me for going along with that but so be it. I have failed you this time. You will never know the extent of the battle this budget entailed. There were some not too friendly private exchanges at times hammering this out and some serious cuts were made to hold the dues increase to as low as humanly possible. Limited inclusion of the exercise room will add a little over $2.00 to your annual assessment increase. Believe me, it would have been a heck of a lot more in the original plan that passed finance. I have never hidden the fact an increase was coming this year. There has been no increase for what is it, four years? Not only that, when there was enough excess cash $130.00 was credited to your dues a couple years ago.
To those on the recreation commission who feel this was unfairly adopted I ask this of you. Remember this is a one year trial period. Ask anyone using the center not to just tell you when they see a problem, document it in writing. Note what time it was, the date, and the incident. The commission members themselves should do the same. Keep a file of these complaints and present them to the board and demand action.
Although I am against the plan being adopted I am accepting it and I do so in sincere hope there are no incidents to report and it works out great. That is best for all. I also did not vote for Barack O'bama but he won the election and I hope his term produces great prosperity. That is how we must view this situation. Hope and pray for the best but be vigilant for any problems.
It also needs to be noted in this overly long post that our G.M. presented the facts and numbers and took no side on the exercise room debate. That is as it should be. This is our action and he presented the financial implications, that is it. The results of the action fall on the finance commission and the board's shoulders alone.
Ken Dillenburg