Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday night Board of Directors meeting

The meeting attendance was small again, about 10 attendees. The open forum consisted of a requested update on the AQUA situation, a question about if we have fines for cigarette littering, and a thank you to the board for our work in the last year. ( we do have a rule and fine for littering in general. )

The next major issue was the AQUA update for the property owners. The report is three pages long so I will just give you the gist of it. Our engineers and legal have currently reviewed over 5,000 pages of documents but were still missing some information from AQUA to make a firm analysis and recommendations for remediation. AQUA, due to our threatened litigation, was not cooperating to the fullest extent possible because of the threat and not wanting to provide ammunition for a law suit. Due to this and the costs to the property owners of what would undoubtedly be protracted litigation it was decided to go to a less confrontational stance and lawyers from both parties are in agreement information obtained through this process will not be used as material for litigation. To put it simply both parties want all discharges to stop and working together will get the situation resolved more quickly than digging in our heels for years while waiting for a verdict. (This is for the best, move forward and get this done!) Our management and engineers will meet with AQUA in an open and cooperative environment to handle the situation.
The IEPA is working with AQUA from a regulatory standpoint to possibly place additional conditions on AQUA permits.
Our staff and engineers will be working to assure our beach will be open in plenty of time for next summer swimming.
Most of you know AQUA is once again requesting a rate hike. You will be kept informed as this progresses so we can do what is necessary as was ably handled last time.
(remember the AQUA update is my take on the three page document so read the CWL paper to see the full text)

The resolution about parking restrictions on Candlewick roads after a two inch snowfall was read and passed after some discussion. The reso. indicated no parking of any vehicle on any Candlewick road after a 2” snowfall or an ice storm until plowing or ice control material is applied.

A reso. was read saying no guest vehicles shall be allowed on Candlewick Lake when the lake is frozen just as guest boats are not admitted during the summer due to liability. Resident's vehicles will be issued stickers affixed by our personnel if they are to be used on the lake. Proof of ownership is required and lawn mowers are exempted. The motion passed.

Our maintenance gate opener needed replacing and was paid through the operating account. A reso. as passed transferring that charge to the replacement reserve account.

The bathhouse at Friendship Park has been an ongoing problem with vandalism and general misuse. I have written of that here before. A reso. was passed spending about $6,500 to remodel the bath house and turn it into a small one stall, one urinal unisex bathroom using our own maintenance labor. The newly remodeled bathroom will be almost vandal proof. Bids from the outside came in at forty to fifty thousand dollars for a complete remodel so this is a steal. Funds are from the replacement reserves so there is no affect on the operating budget.

We passed a reso. to spend the $3,000 as we have been doing yearly for sign replacement.

Our financial status remains strong with road reserves of $364,553.90, replacement reserves of $2,666,102.78, operating cash $414,989.35, and operating investments of $429,138.90
Total cash $3,874,784.93 as of 12/31/2013 (looking good!)
We are also under budget by around $40,000 so that is a plus.

The proposed budget was discussed and there will be no dues increase for next year due to our strong cash position.

The January bad debt write offs amounted to $3,635.82. We have these about every month due to foreclosures and bank payment restrictions.

February 25 at 7 p. m. will be an open meeting with the Boone County Sheriff candidates in the primary election. This will be your chance to ask those important questions. More will be published here as the time approaches. Rich Witt agreed to moderate the event.

As always, these are simply my personal notes and not official minutes.
