Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Personal Board meeting notes... March 15, 2016

Board meeting notes... March 15, 2016

The AQUA update... Joel (from Aqua) indicates the lift station project is scheduled to be in service my April with road resurfacing by the end of May.

Our employee of the year award was presented to Matthew Hein along with a check in the amount of $500.00. It was well deserved for his exemplary performance this year in our Maintenance Department.

Finance Commission reports write offs in the amount of $551.12. Accounting adjustments total $40.13.
Our standing at the end of February is Operating cash of $746,844.15, Operating investments of $439,312.93, Reserve investments $3,534,930.71. Total investments $3,974,243.64 and Total cash of $4,721,087.79.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $302,254.62 and over revenue budget $47,132.24, meaning we are to the goodby $349,386.86 fiscal year to date. 
Public Safety reports the commission charter and officers remain the same. The end of April there will be a Gang awareness/drugs seminar held in the Lakeview room and another seminar is being planned for boat safety.

Lake Management reports there is a suggested change for Largemouth Bass limits for 2016, that being all catch and release. Approved by the board.
A group will be walking the creek leading into the "dip" looking for opportunities to limit undesirable infiltration. Algae is already forming in ditches and creeks and it will be treated. Egg addling starts April 4th and volunteers are needed. Fish shocking is scheduled for April 25 to assess our fish population and health. Remember Crappies can not be kept until June 1 to aid in the spawn.

Events reports Valentine Bingo brought in $129.00 in card sales. The Spring Craft show will probably be cancelled due to low participation. Fifty tickets were sold for Lunch with the Easter Bunny. All officers will remain the same next year.

The ECC discussed what actually constitutes a shed and will put together specifics to avoid confusion in that regard. Ron Drake resigned from the ECC and Darin Wheeler is the new chairman.

The Rec Commission mentions new tags for the 2016 dog park usage will be available May first. The biggest loser competition has twelve participants. The next Bunco night will by March 18th, the last one has 16 participants. The Scholastic Book Fair made $286.00. Polar Plunge will be April1 at 7 p.m. with participants being asked to bring a donation for the food pantry. Youth tennis will be offered in April.

Your golf course is scheduled to open April 8 weather permitting. Cleanup and course prep will be underway soon to be ready for the season.

The Outpost replacement meeting was held for property owners March 13. There was a heavy turnout with many ideas and questions. Too much input to post here.

The new Roads commission had a meeting and reports specs for bidding need to be reviewed before the next meeting. Written specs for shouldering need to be addressed. Much discussion revolved around a possible five year plan, finding shoulders in need of repair, paving methods, ditch work, crack sealing, and the AQUA lift station repairs.

Olson Ecological Services is to proceed with writing the conceptual plan for our continuing lake remediation projects at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00.

We have found it more feasible to outsource much of our mowing starting this year due to not only cost but our inability to pull in extra help and equipment as needed if weather puts us behind. We have contracted with for services with Area Services.

Wendler engineering will be contracted to do design work for three additional wiers as part of our ongoing lake project, tying in with the grant work we have been doing. The budgeted cost is $12,000.00. Your board determined this was an unnecessary expense at this time. (Weirs are measurement tools measuring the amount of inflow coming into our lake at different points. This is a simplified explanation of a complex structure.)

A property owner asked permission to hand out free snacks and water at Highland Valley Green during our garage sale along with information about their church. This was denied due to setting a precedent for other groups.

Discussion was held regarding the operation of programs, classes, punch cards, etc. at the Rec Center. It was decided a new punch card program will be initiated with a calendar year expiration and a financial incentive to purchase a card.

The Boone County Arts Council thanked Candlewick for sponsoring the July 17th concert this year by the "Pirates over 40."

It had been suggested we set up a standing protocol regarding what events, meetings , and programs would be allowed to be open to the public. It is too complex and needs to be handled on a case by case basis.

Be sure to watch for official minutes printed in your Candlewick Paper.