Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Personal board meeting notes

Board meeting notes... December 15, 2015

The AQUA update... Joel (from Aqua) indicates work is continuing on the relocation of the lift station below the dam, installing the necessary piping and parts to facilitate the change.

Chief Tony Stepanski gave a power point presentation on the effectiveness of our new Candlewick/Capron Rescue Squad unit. It has been highly successful and is a tremendous asset for not only Candlewick but also the surrounding area with faster response times, thus better outcomes. It is too detailed to relate here but I would suggest going to the CWL website when the meeting video is posted to hear the report. It is close to the beginning of the meeting.

Finance Commission reports write offs in the amount of $3,283.66. Accounting adjustments.... none.
Our standing at the end of December is Operating cash of $538,390.39, Operating investments of $785,619.99, Reserve investments $3,358,509.43. Total investments $4,144,129.42 and Total cash of $4,682,519.81.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $230,910.64 and over revenue budget $31,929.58, meaning we are “to the good” by $262,840.22 fiscal year to date.

Lake Management reports they recomment using Tallgrass for 2016 stewardship. There is a possibility of trees being available for additional structure for the lake. Further discussion to be in the February meeting.

Communications indicates they do not have enough volunteers to handle all the marketing being asked of them and asked for a few more hours for our I.T. Man to help with this. The hours have been added to the next budget to be used only as necessary. Our Sinnisippi display for the Festival of Lights appears to have been vandalized. It is now in storage for next season and repairs.

Events reports Breakfast with Santa was very successful with 104 attendees. Holiday lights winners were announced and published. Work continues on Valentine's Bingo for February 12th. Events are in the planning stages for March.

Your golf course Reports in the year over year favorability in the loss column, being better this year by $51,998 through December. Losses are in the $67,000 range fiscal year to date.

Savannah Oaks Clubhouse reports a slow December due to shorter hours and not a lot of activity. There were a couple party bookings as well as the New Year's Eve party, which had decent attendance. Now closed for the season.

Your Maintenance Department along with the plowing and salting has handled the Christmas decorations, started aerators by the spillway for winter, finished the shed for storage of the Public Safety Gator, cleared fallen limbs from parks, and miscellaneous other duties.

Outpost replacement update... We are still in the process of getting blueprints so they can be stamped and we can go for bids.
We have had enough property owner interest in a Roads Commission so we will be re-starting that commission soon for the coming 2016 project. Thank you to those willing to serve.

There was a second reading of a rule regarding disallowing parking of vehicles that are not registered to the property owner on their improved or unimproved lots. The rule was passed.

A fine had not been set for violation of the noise ordinance. The board set the fine at $75.00.

The board passed a resolution to replace the water heaters in the pool house.

A resolution was passed to replace the pool heaters.

The pool slide repair is to proceed with the board voting to buy the necessary parts to bring it up to standard.

A resolution was passed funding necessary pool pump room repairs.

We are spending a lot of money getting the pool and related buildings up to standard again so the next season should be much improved from 2015.

A resolution was passed to retain Tallgrass for stewardship of our bioswales. This is a continuation of our efforts to remediate infiltration of sediment and nutrients into our lake.

A property owner asked for a varience for his work truck parking. The board granted the request due to the weight of the truck being light enough to not cause problems.

Be sure to watch for official minutes printed in your Candlewick Paper.