Those of
you who read the Candlewick paper may have noticed the editorial on page 4 of
the latest edition. I am always glad to see editorials. P.O.s have every right,
possibly a responsibility, to air their views regarding Candlewick issues.
Being on
the Roads commission I have to admit I am a little thrown by the comments
indicating pleasure and thanking the roads commission for finding a way to fix
our roads without a special assessment but being unhappy with the roads not
being widened during the process.
We can’t
have both. We would all love to have nice, wide, newly
paved roads but the necessary
assessment would have been substantial. If we were to widen the roads the
ditches would have to be re-engineered for the most part, all mailboxes would
have needed removal and replacement, and we could not have replaced only the
necessary sections of roadway. We can’t have a road changing widths back and
being said, thanks for the compliment to the commission. Those guys worked hard
on this plan and as you know this will be an ongoing project to avoid special
assessments if in any way possible.