have contracted a lot of ditch and drainage work as most of you have
noticed. We also have performed a lot of shoulder work in preparation
for 2013's road project. The plan was to have the road work later in
the summer so shoulders could be ready and ditch work finished.
requests were sent out late in the summer, only to find the companies
were pretty well booked so the bids came in at what could be called
“If you want us to do it you will pay through the nose” basis. It
was decided it would be prudent to roll this year and next year's
projects into one big one and go out for bids early. The larger job
should bring lower bids than two small ones anyway.
our maintenance supervisor, as well as our project engineer both feel
this will cause no problems having the roads marked and the
shouldering finished early 2014 so this is a go. Expect road
construction spring or early summer 2014.