I am getting some questions about the new movable speed bumps now on Candlewick Drive. Here is the situation.
The reasoning behind these is we took out the speed humps when the road repairs were done last summer. Many didn't like the humps including emergency vehicles. After their removal complaints about speeding seemed to become more prevalent. Increased radar surveillance and stronger enforcement was initiated along with the public safety commission investigating then recommending the movable bumps to use in areas with a lot of complaints.
I don't enjoy riding over them either but I'll be darned if I want to see a child harmed by a speeder so for me this is acceptable and I support it. These will not be in their current spot permanently, just long enough to hopefully modify behavior, then on to the next spot. Long term I am not sure of the solution but I do know we can not afford to have two or more cars constantly patrolling and running radar for speeders all day and night so this is an alternative.