Thursday, January 31, 2013
HAB Aquatics presentation (alum treatment)
I could write several pages to cover the meeting but I am holding it down to what I consider the main points. The turnout was 45-50 brave souls who came out in spite of the weather. Not bad considering.
HAB was represented by John Holz PHD and Ted Barrow MS, the co-founders of the company and accompanying was Brett Quinn LED. HAB Aquatics is based in Lincoln, Nebraska. Website link
Their bid of a little over $272,000 includes a total lake alum treatment including a mix with another aluminum product to assure no disturbance of the PH balance in the water. The application vessel needs four feet of water to operate so it can treat the fingers as well as the bulk of the lake. Our last treatment was only a deeper water treatment.
Main points.... The treatment will not harm the fish or the eggs if spawning is taking place, the treatment should take five days and needs to be done when the water is over 42 degrees but no algae bloom is taking place, and it would be good if it is done after the spring runoff to bind more of the phosphorus after it has entered. If the lake is not at full pool it is not a serious problem but again, after the spring rain and snow run-off is better.
The thrusters and aerators were discussed and Joe Rush will handle the situation if there is an issue in that area.
The dosage is computed using existing loading factors and the administration of the alum compound is handled using GPS and a computerized system. The alum binds to the phosphorus as it sinks as floc and cleans the water, locking the phosphorus into the bottom inch or so of the lake, where the floc lays and locks in additional phosphorus as it comes into the lake and sinks to the bottom over time. Once locked the nutrient is there forever. After an approximate ten year life the effectiveness of the alum has diminished to the point it no longer absorbs additional phosphorus, which is the nutrient that feeds algae. The effectiveness will diminish as time passes and the life can not be determined due to varying factors of lake loading. We can expect a dramatic initial cleansing of the water. Alum is used in clearing drinking water supplies so it is not a hazard.
It would be good to close the lake to boating during the application so the floc can settle undisturbed but it is not absolutely necessary.
This is an extremely brief and disjointed summary of the meeting but it gives you a feel for the discussion.
Ken Dillenburg
As you can see
The area of open water continues to expand, even with the temperatures dropping like a rock. Yesterday morning there had to have been at least a thousand ducks and geese around or in the open water first thing in the morning. Not good for lake nutrient loading. Not much we can do about it. Today there are many less. Flocks cleared out shortly after daybreak as usual. The dark line to the right of the picture on the ice are all geese.
Our lake manager/biologist
If you haven't met him, this is Joe Rush. Here is a snapshot of him with his kids after a successful ice fishing outing here on our lake. Joe is the one guiding us through our long range plan for lake remediation as well as working with Rebecca Olson on the grant submissions to fund a lot of the remediation. I expect he will attend the presentation Thursday evening at the rec center (6:30) regarding the proposed alum treatment. You really should be there. This is a very important and expensive topic to understand. I will post notes from the meeting but it is not the same as attending.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Not sure if I have mentioned this on this site
I am pretty sure on the old Pride site I mentioned differing viewpoints were welcomed. The same goes for the Candlewick View. As long as there is no profanity and the post is an honest disagreement with posts I or others have made send it in. Other views are healthy and can at times bring a new perspective on issues. Please feel free. That is the purpose of this site, dissemination of information.
Off Topic. From personal experience
This month's "The Atlantic" magazine had an article called "Awakening" In which it describes some people's experiences waking up during surgery. They estimate this happens to one or two out of a thousand surgeries and can be very traumatic, leaving permanent emotional scars with some. I was one of those lucky souls that has such a memory.
When in my forties I underwent gall bladder surgery. It was not the new type laparoscopic, it was the old slice and dice and I have the long scar to prove it.
I remember being wheeled into the room with the bright lights above me and the anesthesiologist administering something then telling me to count back from ten. I made it maybe three or so numbers then a buzz and all was gone. Time has no meaning during anesthesia but suddenly I heard people talking. Someone entered the room and said "Good news, no sign of cancer." The others in the room commented "great", or something to that effect. I remember it so well because I had no expectation of any cancer and it is possible they were speaking of another patient they had earlier but I know what I heard. That was the statement I remember best but I am sure there was more conversation. There was no pain at all and I could not move a muscle, which is a very odd feeling. I did know with clarity what had been said.
I can't say this was really traumatic to me but believe me it was memorable. I spoke with my doctor about it when I went in to have the incision checked after my time in the hospital. He really didn't want to discuss it, that was obvious, so I dropped the matter. The article just brought it to mind again.
When in my forties I underwent gall bladder surgery. It was not the new type laparoscopic, it was the old slice and dice and I have the long scar to prove it.
I remember being wheeled into the room with the bright lights above me and the anesthesiologist administering something then telling me to count back from ten. I made it maybe three or so numbers then a buzz and all was gone. Time has no meaning during anesthesia but suddenly I heard people talking. Someone entered the room and said "Good news, no sign of cancer." The others in the room commented "great", or something to that effect. I remember it so well because I had no expectation of any cancer and it is possible they were speaking of another patient they had earlier but I know what I heard. That was the statement I remember best but I am sure there was more conversation. There was no pain at all and I could not move a muscle, which is a very odd feeling. I did know with clarity what had been said.
I can't say this was really traumatic to me but believe me it was memorable. I spoke with my doctor about it when I went in to have the incision checked after my time in the hospital. He really didn't want to discuss it, that was obvious, so I dropped the matter. The article just brought it to mind again.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
weight loss results, hey, we all are down some
lost 2 pounds! Lost 9 pounds
(stop it!)
lost 0.0 pounds Lost 1.6 pounds
lost 1 1/2 pounds! Lost 3 pounds
lost 1 pound Lost ½ pound
lost 1/2 pound Lost 1 1/2 pounds
lost 0.0 pounds Lost 1 pound
input on the email issue from Mark Helmer
If you are receiving these emails I would suggest that you go to and download the free version of this software. Once downloaded and installed just follow the directions to eradicate this issue.
Ken if you could please send this email to all that you can.
The hacking has spread like wildfire
Now I have an email from Alaska, a person I haven't corresponded with for years, telling me it is good to hear from me and asking how I am doing. I just sent out a bulk email from my Gmail address telling everyone to open nothing from my YAHOO address. Ken
Quick update on the email
I just received an email from an acquaintance in Georgia commenting on a link I sent him about work at home jobs, wondering why I am thinking of that. The email header was "what do you think?" Obviously he is now also a victim. Ken
Has your email contact list been hacked?
I have been receiving emails from friends that did not send the emails. The latest one says 'HEY”, then “this makes me think of you.” When you open the email there is a link. Don't click on it or you will be next to have your contacts stolen. I believe mine have been stolen also because I am getting notices of undeliverable mail I have not sent. All I can say is to be careful what you open and especially of links. When the first email came I clicked the link thinking it was from a friend. I believe the header was something like “unbelievable.” Most of this seems to be from YAHOO accounts. A few months ago this same thing happened and it was a real pain but no serious damage, at least to my personal computer. Here's hopin'.
Ken Dillenburg
Thoughts submitted by Karl Steiskal
is suggested we give the health club away as free from 9 am to close,
except for a locker room fee if you use it. However the people who
pay as regular, dependable users that use the club and
locker room will pay more as I understand it. Also someone to
watch the front desk at lunch time. Lets see, lose money on it and
increase the home owner's dues on purpose? Then it is proposed not to
have lifeguards this year, swim at your own risk. What happens if
some starts to drown? Oh yes, swim at our own risk. Lets charge 25
dollars a family for the summer and it will be about 30 cents a day
to swim and keep the guards. Then let's have more cost in losses
to the golf course and we we have the perfect storm. I am not here to
say yes to everything rather to do what is best for the people of
Candlewick. More information on the golf course can
be asked from the golf commission. Lets please let us walk
before we run. Going back to the health club, lets leave it as
it is and give people from 9 to 4 a 10 dollar a month
charge and it is win win for all.
Steiskal, Candlewick Board member
Nice turnout for the movie night

Monday, January 28, 2013
Weekly Public Safety report
Important Candlewick Lake Information
Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week ending 01/27/2012
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Minarette for a subject who had fallen. Capron Rescue responded and the subject refused transport for treatment.
Traffic Crashes
Public Safety responded to the intersection of Galleon Run and Lamplighter Loop for a vehicle in a ditch. Public Safety remained until the vehicle was removed. Nobody was injured.
Disorderly Conduct
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Prince Ct. for a report of a resident getting threatening letters deposited upon their property. The matter is under investigation.
Vacant House Checks
Public Safety observed two separate vacant houses with open doors. The residences were checked and secured.
Criminal Damage
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Brandywine for a vehicle that had windows broken. A report was taken and the matter is under investigation.
Domestic Disputes
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of London for a report of a domestic dispute. Public Safety assisted the Sheriff’s Department with the matter.
Citations Issued 17
Warnings 40
Public Safety would like to remind everyone to obey the speed limits within Candlewick
We thank you for taking the time to read these important updates.
Being informed is half the battle.
Another Illinois downgrade. Candlewick cut, so can Illinois!
Illinois’ credit rating downgraded; state drops to worst in the nation
A warning came Saturday morning from state treasurer Dan Rutherford (R) IL State Treasurer. The Standard and Poor’s downgrade from A to A-minus puts Illinois last on the list– and means a higher cost to borrow money.
On Wednesday, the state will issue $500 million in new bonds to pay for roads and other transportation projects. Rutherford says the credit downgrade will cost taxpayers an additional $95 million in interest,
When compared to a perfect triple-a bond rating enjoyed by other11 states including neighboring Indiana, Iowa and Missouri.
“Our problem in Illinois is that we have not substantively and fairly addressed the state public pension issue.”
Rutherford points to Governor Quinn and the democratically controlled general assembly for making matters worse in the last two years– raising taxes but not acting on pension reform.
“This problem didn’t come along just now it’s been accumulating for actually decades. Each time the governor set a deadline and didn’t meet it there was some negative reaction,” he said.
“It’s become quite evident to me that the general assembly has not registered what these negative impacts are to be enough to cause a change in the public pensions.”
Rutherford says reform should come in the form of new cost of living adjustments and sliding healthcare costs based on pension income, all of which is a hard sell in Springfield– but would put the state back on better financial ground.
“Illinois is a very good place and we can turn this place around– but the first thing we need to do is fix this in a fair way, our public pensions.”
(This is from WGN, Chicago Ken)
Sunday, January 27, 2013
O.K., wise guys
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I am not a smoker but WOW!
Millions of smokers could be priced out of health insurance because of tobacco penalties in President Barack Obama's health care law, according to experts who are just now teasing out the potential impact of a little-noted provision in the massive legislation.
The Affordable Care Act - "Obamacare" to its detractors - allows health insurers to charge smokers buying individual policies up to 50 percent higher premiums starting next Jan. 1.
For a 55-year-old smoker, the penalty could reach nearly $4,250 a year. A 60-year-old could wind up paying nearly $5,100 on top of premiums.
Millions of smokers could be priced out of health insurance because of tobacco penalties in President Barack Obama's health care law, according to experts who are just now teasing out the potential impact of a little-noted provision in the massive legislation.
The Affordable Care Act - "Obamacare" to its detractors - allows health insurers to charge smokers buying individual policies up to 50 percent higher premiums starting next Jan. 1.
For a 55-year-old smoker, the penalty could reach nearly $4,250 a year. A 60-year-old could wind up paying nearly $5,100 on top of premiums.
Thursday, January 31...Don't miss it!
![]() |
core sample |
The treatment it appears may run closer to $270,000.00 rather than the initial $200k I expected. We can handle this expense by reapplication of reserves to operating in a one time flip, meaning your dues will not be affected by this expense. Our reserves are in good shape due to the way we have decided to handle our ongoing road project so we will still be fine in our replacement reserves account. (I know this has nothing to do with the meeting but you need to know)
The meeting will be at the rec center at 6:30 p.m. Our lake is the jewel of our community and we must not let that gem remain tarnished.
Ken Dillenburg
Friday, January 25, 2013
First "item wanted" ad
WANTED... two man ice fishing shanty.
Please contact Ryan Foster
815-509-9633 email
(Remember, I am happy to put up these for sale or wanted ads for anyone. Just email the information. Ken)
Thursday, January 24, 2013
ComEd work
Someone at walkers today brought up a point I hadn't considered. If you are planning to go somewhere in your car today you may want to park outside. When the power is out, possibly for hours, your garage door opener will not work. I have to say though, when driving home this morning and seeing the thermometer on my car at 10 degrees I have to ask myself why they didn't do this work when it is at least 60 out. Aren't monopolies wonderful! Ken
You are dying of thirst in the desert
A group of nomads comes by and offers you an empty water pouch. Of course it is of no use to you so you refuse it. They speak among themselves and vote yes, that is all you will get. Two days later the same group passes again herding their camels and although they really don't want to give up any water they this time say O.K., since you are desperate we will offer you a half full pouch. It is not enough to truly satiate your thirst but you know it is that or the empty pouch so you take it.
That is an overdramitization of the negotiations over the exercise room disagreement. Here is how it shakes out. Originally the exercise room was to be open to all at no charge from 5 a.m. until closing with extra personnel hired to man it, extra cleaning help and supplies, and more. That passed finance. You have read in an earlier post the revisions made. This is the best we could do.
Some are angry with me for going along with that but so be it. I have failed you this time. You will never know the extent of the battle this budget entailed. There were some not too friendly private exchanges at times hammering this out and some serious cuts were made to hold the dues increase to as low as humanly possible. Limited inclusion of the exercise room will add a little over $2.00 to your annual assessment increase. Believe me, it would have been a heck of a lot more in the original plan that passed finance. I have never hidden the fact an increase was coming this year. There has been no increase for what is it, four years? Not only that, when there was enough excess cash $130.00 was credited to your dues a couple years ago.
To those on the recreation commission who feel this was unfairly adopted I ask this of you. Remember this is a one year trial period. Ask anyone using the center not to just tell you when they see a problem, document it in writing. Note what time it was, the date, and the incident. The commission members themselves should do the same. Keep a file of these complaints and present them to the board and demand action.
Although I am against the plan being adopted I am accepting it and I do so in sincere hope there are no incidents to report and it works out great. That is best for all. I also did not vote for Barack O'bama but he won the election and I hope his term produces great prosperity. That is how we must view this situation. Hope and pray for the best but be vigilant for any problems.
It also needs to be noted in this overly long post that our G.M. presented the facts and numbers and took no side on the exercise room debate. That is as it should be. This is our action and he presented the financial implications, that is it. The results of the action fall on the finance commission and the board's shoulders alone.
Ken Dillenburg
That is an overdramitization of the negotiations over the exercise room disagreement. Here is how it shakes out. Originally the exercise room was to be open to all at no charge from 5 a.m. until closing with extra personnel hired to man it, extra cleaning help and supplies, and more. That passed finance. You have read in an earlier post the revisions made. This is the best we could do.
Some are angry with me for going along with that but so be it. I have failed you this time. You will never know the extent of the battle this budget entailed. There were some not too friendly private exchanges at times hammering this out and some serious cuts were made to hold the dues increase to as low as humanly possible. Limited inclusion of the exercise room will add a little over $2.00 to your annual assessment increase. Believe me, it would have been a heck of a lot more in the original plan that passed finance. I have never hidden the fact an increase was coming this year. There has been no increase for what is it, four years? Not only that, when there was enough excess cash $130.00 was credited to your dues a couple years ago.
To those on the recreation commission who feel this was unfairly adopted I ask this of you. Remember this is a one year trial period. Ask anyone using the center not to just tell you when they see a problem, document it in writing. Note what time it was, the date, and the incident. The commission members themselves should do the same. Keep a file of these complaints and present them to the board and demand action.
Although I am against the plan being adopted I am accepting it and I do so in sincere hope there are no incidents to report and it works out great. That is best for all. I also did not vote for Barack O'bama but he won the election and I hope his term produces great prosperity. That is how we must view this situation. Hope and pray for the best but be vigilant for any problems.
It also needs to be noted in this overly long post that our G.M. presented the facts and numbers and took no side on the exercise room debate. That is as it should be. This is our action and he presented the financial implications, that is it. The results of the action fall on the finance commission and the board's shoulders alone.
Ken Dillenburg
Correction and further information on the compromise
Regarding the exercise room.......... There will be no access to the locker room unless there is a payment of $10.00 per month to use the small lockers or $15.00 per month for the large, regardless of the paid pass to the workout room. Visitors are allowed but only with a resident and there is a $3.00 charge per person per visit.
There was so much information and discussion going around the room last night I made less than perfect notes, in fact few notes at all and last night's post was mainly from memory. Not a smart move.
There was so much information and discussion going around the room last night I made less than perfect notes, in fact few notes at all and last night's post was mainly from memory. Not a smart move.
Boy, my posts are all over the board this week.
From what I hear this is a really great family movie the kids will love and you can't beat the price with a stick! Nice to post something happy for a change. Ken
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
No one completely satisfied
This is the sign of a fair agreement. Those opposed to an open exercise room didn't get what they wanted but neither did those of us in opposition. The issue was re-negotiated tonight at the finance commission and a one year trial workable solution was reached. Countless hours were spent on this budget. I will give a general outline below that will be a part of the 2013/2014 budget submitted to the board for a vote up or down. I can live with it.
Those using the workout room from five to nine a.m. will have to pay a monthly fee of $10.00 per person and will have access to the locker room, etc. After nine others can use the room with no cost but they can not use the locker room and showers without being a fee paying member. The front staff will monitor the room with only the addition of a noon to one person so there is constant manning.
If the open time becomes a problem with rowdiness, damage to property, or general misuse the program will terminate in the next budget year.
Am I thrilled with the agreement? Heck no, but it is better than throwing the doors open to all as in the original plan that passed finance. We will see how it goes and if any of you see misuse please report it immediately. This must be a controlled area.
It is now up to the board to give thumbs up or down to the budget as a whole. I see no problem with passage of our budget, which is bone lean by the way.
Ken Dillenburg
Those using the workout room from five to nine a.m. will have to pay a monthly fee of $10.00 per person and will have access to the locker room, etc. After nine others can use the room with no cost but they can not use the locker room and showers without being a fee paying member. The front staff will monitor the room with only the addition of a noon to one person so there is constant manning.
If the open time becomes a problem with rowdiness, damage to property, or general misuse the program will terminate in the next budget year.
Am I thrilled with the agreement? Heck no, but it is better than throwing the doors open to all as in the original plan that passed finance. We will see how it goes and if any of you see misuse please report it immediately. This must be a controlled area.
It is now up to the board to give thumbs up or down to the budget as a whole. I see no problem with passage of our budget, which is bone lean by the way.
Ken Dillenburg
Is this an illegal search?
Well, Office Tom Dawson is at it again but this time he seems to be searching a truck bed. Not sure what he expects to find but he is still on duty. He is a little hard to see but look in the back of the black truck. Ken
Oh good, something else to worry about!
Important Candlewick Lake Information
We have been notified by ComEd that they will be replacing voltage regulators on the transformers throughout the Community starting at 10:00 AM on Thursday, January 24, 2013. We have been advised that the start and end date is January 24, 2013 so the work will be completed in one day.
There will be power outages throughout the day which may last for several hours starting at 10:00A.M. ComEd was unable to tell us if they will be doing small areas at a time or if the power for the entire Community will be out while they change the regulators.
This is all the information that we have received. If you have further questions, please contact ComEd at 1-800-334-7661. It will not be necessary to contact ComEd when your electricity goes off.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
This is getting just plain dangerous!
Personally embarrassing post
STEVE lost 3 pounds! Lost 7 pounds! (we all
hate you!)
BONNIE lost 1.6 pounds! Lost 1.6 pounds
PAUL lost 0 pounds Lost 1 ½ pounds
KEN gained 1 pound Gained ½ pound
KARL lost 1 pound! Lost 1 pound
RICH lost 1 pound! Lost 1 pound
Neat pictures from Barb Appelhans
This is a red-tailed Hawk on Candlewick Drive. Don't you just love all the wildlife we have in our community?
Look closely to the right and you will see Officer Tom Dawson making his safety checks of the traffic.
We were discussing him at walkers a couple days ago. Sandy Morse rolled down her window and he really gave her the devil. He was also pecking at car tires as they stopped. I was afraid something had happened to him but I also saw him this week. What a character!
Look closely to the right and you will see Officer Tom Dawson making his safety checks of the traffic.
We were discussing him at walkers a couple days ago. Sandy Morse rolled down her window and he really gave her the devil. He was also pecking at car tires as they stopped. I was afraid something had happened to him but I also saw him this week. What a character!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Just be careful of open water by the Dam
SATURDAY, February 9TH, 2013 7AM T0 12 NOON
Finance commission meeting
Well, this was an open meeting so I can post the results. The finance commission voted to have the exercise room one of the "all inclusive" amenities meaning your next year's dues will reflect the action. Only one vote made the difference. There may be further meetings to discuss the issue between board members since the entire board must approve the action in the new budget. If you feel strongly as I do it may be time to contact your other board members and let them know this is a wrong action. I am still contesting it. Ken
Weekly Public Safety report
Important Candlewick Lake Information
Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week ending 01/20/2013
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to 200 block of Liverpool for a subject with possible heart problems. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Chanticleer for a report of a subject who had fallen and could not get up. Public Safety assisted the subject and no rescue was needed.
Public Safety responded to the 30 block of King Henry for a subject who had blacked out and had a rapid heartbeat. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Benedict for a subject who was pregnant and not feeling well. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public safety responded to the 100 block of Candlewick Dr. for a subject having chest pains. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 400 block of Atlantic for a subject who had fallen and could not get up. Rescue was called however the subject refused transport.
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Candlewick Dr. for a subject who was having trouble breathing. The subject was transported for treatment.
Structure Fires
Public safety responded to the 100 block of Lamplighter Loop for a vehicle fire. The fire department responded and extinguished the fire.
Domestic Disputes
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of London for a report of a domestic dispute. The Sheriff’s Department removed a subject from the premises.
Public Safety responded to the 500 block of Bounty for a report of a theft of a tailgate from a vehicle. The matter is under investigation.
Disorderly Conduct
Public safety responded to the 200 block of King Henry for a report of a subject who had signs in his yard depicting vulgar language. The subject was subsequently warned for the illegal signs.
Citations Issued 19
Warnings Issued 7
Please remember to slow down when driving in Candlewick. Traffic enforcement is a priority.
We thank you for taking the time to read these important updates.
Being informed is half the battle.
To me this is a big deal
Yesterday after posting my message here regarding the move to make the workout center part of the all-inclusive package (meaning no longer any charge) I also emailed it to several people who I am not sure read this site. I received many responses both from here and the email. All but one were in total agreement with my stand on this issue. This includes people currently using the center, some who do not, and one who planned to join soon. You would know the names of many of these people. They are active in your community and "get it."
I did a lot of soul searching on this issue, making sure this is not just a personality thing. It is not. When you folks voted me onto this board I said I would among other things work to hold down your dues. I have done so and if this measure passes we could no longer say we did everything feasible to hold down costs. It is that serious to me. I also looked at it in the perspective of what would I do if this was a corporation and I was president of the corp. Not a chance I would do this to the shareholders.
You can see I feel very strongly about this issue. Our reputation as a board for the people is at stake in my opinion. Pray the correct decision is made. This isn't about me winning or losing the battle, this is about what is right.
Ken Dillenburg
I did a lot of soul searching on this issue, making sure this is not just a personality thing. It is not. When you folks voted me onto this board I said I would among other things work to hold down your dues. I have done so and if this measure passes we could no longer say we did everything feasible to hold down costs. It is that serious to me. I also looked at it in the perspective of what would I do if this was a corporation and I was president of the corp. Not a chance I would do this to the shareholders.
You can see I feel very strongly about this issue. Our reputation as a board for the people is at stake in my opinion. Pray the correct decision is made. This isn't about me winning or losing the battle, this is about what is right.
Barb's pictures from Saturday's Witt Trails nature walk

Sunday, January 20, 2013
Are we now becoming the same?
am sure all of you have heard we as a country have become an
entitlement society with only around half the citizens now paying
federal income tax. We all know this is unsustainable but obviously
few care as long as those paying the taxes support those not doing
am afraid I am seeing this happening now right here in Candlewick
Lake. Some residents are now expecting more amenities to be “free” to use.
Of course free isn't really the case. Lost revenue has to be
recovered or the bills can't be paid. How do we do that? Increase
your dues to pay for the “free” amenities. This year it is the
workout room at the rec center. A few don't think it is fair for them
to have to pay to use the equipment so everyone should have to pay
ten dollars or so more in dues to offset the revenue loss as well as
the extra maintenance and payroll costs that would ensue. Hey, who
cares? At least it will be free, right? Even many of those paying
currently to use the workout room realize it is a bad idea and have
voiced that opinion. Who cares? It must be “free to all.” Sad,
isn't it.
can't help but wonder if next it will be the boat docks. Why should
they have to pay to use the docks? Let all pay so it is “free”
for them. Why should anyone pay to use a room for a party or event?
Of course it should be “free.” Think about it...... why do the
golfers have to rent the carts? Wait a minute, aren't you paying for
boat storage, kid's summer camp, line dancing, zumba, archery,
karate, security house checks, etc? What the heck is wrong with this
board, it must all be free from now on! Let's reopen the Dockside
Grill and let us all eat free.
all we need to do is raise everyone's dues by maybe $150.00 or so and
except for the Dockside we are home free. Let everyone pay so those
using certain amenities can have it free. That is the American way...
or is it?
used to be a Middle Eastern torture called “death by 1000 cuts.”
That, folks, is where we are headed by this course and I want no part
of it.
More fish structure for our lake
Every time I see these guys working on a lake project I can't help but think of the cost involved if they didn't donate all the time and labor.
They are dragging maple, oak, and
hickory limbs out onto the lake then tying them to cement blocks so when the lake thaws they will sink and provide additional
cover for the fish, continuing this as a premier midwest fishing spot.
They deserve a lot of credit as do all our volunteers. My hat is off to them.
Once again Barb Appelhans provided the pictures for you to enjoy and they are much appreciated!
They are dragging maple, oak, and
hickory limbs out onto the lake then tying them to cement blocks so when the lake thaws they will sink and provide additional
cover for the fish, continuing this as a premier midwest fishing spot.
They deserve a lot of credit as do all our volunteers. My hat is off to them.
Once again Barb Appelhans provided the pictures for you to enjoy and they are much appreciated!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Saturday's Town Hall meeting
As you can see this was sparsely attended (26 people) but there were several with input. The Candlewick News will publish all the comments and names so I will not attempt it here. Suffice it to say there were some good ideas, some complaints, and some praises as usual. Ken Thank you Barb Appelhans for the pictures
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