Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Personal meeting notes January 16, 2018

BOARD MEETING NOTES... January 16, 2018

Open Forum consisted of a question on return on investments,
wanting the restaurant operating, and requirements for being a good board

Beth Penisis from AQUA said there is nothing new to report.

Theresa Balk, G.M. tells us Roland Wood, Chief of Public Safety,
has submitted his resignation effective January 26th. Interviews
are starting for his replacement.

Finance Commission meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday so no report
this month.
Accounting adjustments for December equal $110.00, renters purchased
home. Write-offs for the month total $50.00.

Lake Management indicates test holes were dug through the lake ice
and no vegetation was seen growing. All seems dead or dormant.
The fish shocking results seem to be stable with prior results.
More fish structures are planned to be added this winter.
A meeting was held with the farmer from across Caledonia Road
where we get the runoff for the dip to see if there is an agreement
available to put in buffer strips to filter and slow the run-off into our lake.

The Golf Commission had no meeting, Clubhouse closed and course
closed for the winter

The Rec. Commission had no meeting

Events had no meeting

The Roads Commission had no meeting.
Communications indicates there was not much of substance from the
meeting, just general discussion.

Now it gets complicated…. A survey was taken for property owner input
on whether to allow another operator to open our restaurant. The survey
indicated it would be at no cost to the property owners. That is true as far
as it goes. It does not mention the cost savings of over $200,000 if the
restaurant space is used as the Outpost replacement and the structure
torn down. It also doesn’t indicate our association would not have to
pay insurance, maintenance, utilities, etc. on the outpost. We would not
have to continue contributing to replacement reserves for the building.
That being said, your Board voted Rich Witt yes, Jeff Lutzow absent,
Randy Budreau yes, Chuck Corso yes, Gary Kurpeski yes, Steve Lambright
not yet arrived, and myself no to allowing re-opening the restaurant. The
survey results came back about 90% for allowing the restaurant as expected
given the wording of the question.  

Now the motion to spend up to $25,000 for architectural drawings for
the remodel of the Outpost. The vote failed with Gary Kurpeski’s request
to investigate just a minor necessary remodel costing much less.

A resolution was passed covering the furnace replacement at the Outpost.

A property owner requested permission to park his truck in his driveway
during the very cold weather so he could plug it in so it would start.
The Board allowed the exception only until the road are posted.

Be sure to watch for official minutes printed in your Candlewick Paper.