I make it a point to ride at least around the lake itself daily if possible. Saturday I was specifically looking to see how much litter is around since clean-up is next Saturday. I was very pleasantly surprised to see how little is there. I know some residents are picking up as they go for walks but that can't be all of it. It appears people are taking more pride in the appearance not only of their property but also vacant lots that are adjacent. Sure there is an occasional McDonalds wrapper or a bottle some low life threw out of their car but in general not too bad. It looks like I will be hard pressed to fill even one bag in the area I normally clean. To me this is great news!
I must say up front I am not a golfer but as I drove through the golf course I was struck by how nice it looked to my untrained eye. Freshly mowed and very green looking. I have heard no complaints to date on course quality. The down side was there were only two cars in the lot for the club house at 2 p.m. and I would guess at least one was the employee. The weather was bad I know so that is part of it.