Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Personal board meeting notes

Personal board meeting minutes of march 17, 2015. See the Candlewick Newspaper for official minutes.

This meeting had a little higher attendance than normal, probably due to the seating of the new (old) board. Attendance was eleven.

The Public Forum consisted of questions about the possible set-up and tear down for the Flames dinners.

Next came the election of officers. Ken Dillenburg was elected president, Don Parisi vice president, Chuck Corso secretary, and Jeff Lutzow treasurer.

Items were added to the agenda, one was rental limits (Jeff Lutzow will head the team to bring a plan to the board) Election rules and procedures will be reviewed and a new set will be presented to the board at the next meeting for discussion. We want to eliminate as many of the invalid ballots as possible in future elections. Emmanual Lutheran Church asked for permission to use the Outpost again for BibleSchool as they have in years past and the request was granted.

Maintenance reports the office is now primed and painted, our dam and weir were inspected, all plow trucks are serviced, the second 500 tons of salt was received, mixed and in storage for future use, certification for Illinois pesticide was completed the uppermost air supply duct in the rec center is painted, six tons of gravel were added to road shoulders, and normal maintenance activities.

Your board approved the suggested fishing regulations for Lake Management. I will post these later this week.

The Recreation Commission will be touring the parks to assess the equipment and make suggestions regarding removal, replacement, or repair needed.

Communications Commission reports they are still looking for volunteer photographers.

Your board passed a resolution to adopt the new rules and regulations. The effective date will be May first after residents have an opportunity to know the new rules.

Your board passed a resolution affirming their practice of having the Citation Review Commission hearings private as is their right. This resolution will halt any questions about closing this commission in the future. A motion was made and passed affirming the decisions of the same commission excluding citations appealed to the board.

Your board passed another resolution to have a detailed list of pool rules posted at the pool and all rules be strictly enforced.

The Flames requested your association set up the room for their meal meetings since they are a Candlewick sponsored group. Section 2.39 of Board Policy states association resources are not to be used for set up and clean up. The request was held over for possible solutions at our next board meeting.

Finance Commission reports write offs in the amount of $2,013.32. Accounting adjustments total $36.89.
The standing at the end of February is Operating cash of $194,433.87, Operating investments of $510,179,08, Road investments of $315,065.83, Reserve investments $3,429,755.11. Total investments $4,255,000.02 and Total cash of $4,449,433.89.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $120,412.61 and over revenue budget $151,598.16, meaning we are “to the good” by $272,010.77 to date.

The Road project status is the specs are set and the request for bids is expected to hit the mail Wednesday with resulting bids available for our next board meeting.

There was discussion on the possible usage of the Restaurant facility. Some board members are going to re-work the lease agreement to make it more attractive for prospective lessees.

Capron Rescue Squad has passed the Zoning Board of Appeals and are close to the final hurdle to start their building. No problems are expected in the process.

The dog park will be named the “Outpost Run.”

Savannah Oaks Golf Course and Club house will be tentatively opening April 17th depending of course on weather.

As a side note, I am finding it much more difficult to make notes for this posting when I am the one conducting the meetings so if I miss a couple things bear with me!