Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

More of our friends that need a good long term home


Am I the only one that thinks this thing about wind chill temperature is nuts? I for one don't think I would stand naked in the wind in winter to see how cold it is. Some stations now call it "real feel" temperature and some now just call it the "real temperature." Sorry, that is not the real temperature.
If this is used in the winter why not the summer? Summer time and we hear "heat index." Why have we not heard it is going to be about ninety tomorrow but there will be a twenty mile per hour wind so the real feel will be about 82?  Hmmmmm.........
 I know, it is just me.  Ken

Friday, March 27, 2015

Board approved fish regulations

Progress being made

Our Thursday evening special board meeting was productive. Your board agreed to some changes to the lease agreement for the restaurant space that should be welcomed by any prospective renters.
We also agreed to changes to the board election rules and procedures that hopefully will take a solid bite out of the number of spoiled or uncountable ballots going forward. We all want everyone who casts a ballot to have that ballot count. You took the time and made the effort so you should get the benefit.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Inbound right lane closed... West gate

 Our West gate is once again experiencing lift problems in the right "in" lane. Parts are ordered and hopefully this will only be a two to three day problem. Maintenance and management are on top of it.

Thursday's special board meeting

 There is a rumor going around that we have a new restaurant coming into the Eagle's Nest space. That is probably due to the wording of the Agenda for tonight's meeting. All we were doing is going over the existing lease for possible modifications that would make the lease more appealing to those interested in operating the facility in the future.
 The second agenda item deals with ways to eliminate a lot of the spoiled or late ballots we seem to receive in board elections.
 That is it. The two items for board discussion. Not too exciting.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Public Safety report

Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 3/23/2015
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to one (1) medical call this past week. The victim was not transported to the hospital.
Public Safety located snowmobile tracks on a portion of the Savanah Oaks golf property. Please do not ride any snowmobiles, ATVs or any other off road vehicles on the Golf Course property. This would be in violation of CWL rules and regulations.
Gate Strikes
The Public Safety Department responded to the West Gate for several gates strikes. The gate at the C-Pass lane was malfunctioning. Maintenance did make repairs to the gate. It did function until Saturday morning when it broke again with a different problem. Unfortunately we had to close the gate. The gate has since been repaired.
Public Safety investigated two instances of damage to a mailbox. Neither appeared to be a traffic related incident.
Public Safety responded to the Little Park on the Prairie for the report of kids starting a campfire. Upon arrival, the youths had departed, but evidence of the campfire was still present. There was also items of trash strewn about the area. Please educate your children about our CWL park rules.
Loose Dogs
Public Safety responded to five (5) calls of loose or barking dogs this past week. We did issue several warnings to residents. Please keep track of your pets as our weather improves.
Citations Issued: 10
Warnings Issued: 49

For all the crazies!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dedication caught on camera

Chuck Corso and family starting the south gate
One of the topics of discussion during last Tuesday's board meeting was when to have the Caledonia Road clean-up that is part of your board's responsibilities. During our discussion Chuck Corso (our board secretary) spoke up and said "I will do it." I asked him if he was referring to cleaning the entire Caledonia road alone and he said yes. Folks, this is one big job. We pick up and bag all the trash starting at Kelly Road all the way to Dawson Lake Road on both sides of the road.

Caledonia road, not a piece of litter!
 I emailed Chuck Thursday to be sure he wanted to tackle this. He assured me it was planned for Saturday the 21st. Not only that, he also was going to clean the road coming in our south gate Sunday. I have noticed Chuck several times on a walk with his wife Dawn picking up trash at random times. This, folks, is dedication to Candlewick's appearance and he deserves our thanks. It goes above and beyond. As it turned out Chuck and his family had some help from Rich and Sue Witt, Bonnie Marron, Sandy Morse, and Jim and Evelyn Brefeld but he was willing to do it alone. 
 Chuck is also heading up the Candlewick Clean-up day. This is our yearly project when one day is set aside to ask volunteers to help clean our streets and parks. It has been very successful in the past. This year it will be held on May 2nd (with a rain date of May 3rd). Be sure to sign up at the Rec Center or main office. Let's all chip in a little time to help Chuck make this year's clean-up another success.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Another step completed

Bonnie Marron tells me the Capron Rescue Squad request passed the County Board Wednesday night unanimously so things should start rolling soon. I believe that is the last hurdle before construction. Good news!

Simulated ice rescue from Chuck Hart

Suiting up

Learning through observation

If they would quit cutting holes they would stop falling in! <GRIN>

This training will be a Godsend if we have such an accident

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Personal board meeting notes

Personal board meeting minutes of march 17, 2015. See the Candlewick Newspaper for official minutes.

This meeting had a little higher attendance than normal, probably due to the seating of the new (old) board. Attendance was eleven.

The Public Forum consisted of questions about the possible set-up and tear down for the Flames dinners.

Next came the election of officers. Ken Dillenburg was elected president, Don Parisi vice president, Chuck Corso secretary, and Jeff Lutzow treasurer.

Items were added to the agenda, one was rental limits (Jeff Lutzow will head the team to bring a plan to the board) Election rules and procedures will be reviewed and a new set will be presented to the board at the next meeting for discussion. We want to eliminate as many of the invalid ballots as possible in future elections. Emmanual Lutheran Church asked for permission to use the Outpost again for BibleSchool as they have in years past and the request was granted.

Maintenance reports the office is now primed and painted, our dam and weir were inspected, all plow trucks are serviced, the second 500 tons of salt was received, mixed and in storage for future use, certification for Illinois pesticide was completed the uppermost air supply duct in the rec center is painted, six tons of gravel were added to road shoulders, and normal maintenance activities.

Your board approved the suggested fishing regulations for Lake Management. I will post these later this week.

The Recreation Commission will be touring the parks to assess the equipment and make suggestions regarding removal, replacement, or repair needed.

Communications Commission reports they are still looking for volunteer photographers.

Your board passed a resolution to adopt the new rules and regulations. The effective date will be May first after residents have an opportunity to know the new rules.

Your board passed a resolution affirming their practice of having the Citation Review Commission hearings private as is their right. This resolution will halt any questions about closing this commission in the future. A motion was made and passed affirming the decisions of the same commission excluding citations appealed to the board.

Your board passed another resolution to have a detailed list of pool rules posted at the pool and all rules be strictly enforced.

The Flames requested your association set up the room for their meal meetings since they are a Candlewick sponsored group. Section 2.39 of Board Policy states association resources are not to be used for set up and clean up. The request was held over for possible solutions at our next board meeting.

Finance Commission reports write offs in the amount of $2,013.32. Accounting adjustments total $36.89.
The standing at the end of February is Operating cash of $194,433.87, Operating investments of $510,179,08, Road investments of $315,065.83, Reserve investments $3,429,755.11. Total investments $4,255,000.02 and Total cash of $4,449,433.89.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $120,412.61 and over revenue budget $151,598.16, meaning we are “to the good” by $272,010.77 to date.

The Road project status is the specs are set and the request for bids is expected to hit the mail Wednesday with resulting bids available for our next board meeting.

There was discussion on the possible usage of the Restaurant facility. Some board members are going to re-work the lease agreement to make it more attractive for prospective lessees.

Capron Rescue Squad has passed the Zoning Board of Appeals and are close to the final hurdle to start their building. No problems are expected in the process.

The dog park will be named the “Outpost Run.”

Savannah Oaks Golf Course and Club house will be tentatively opening April 17th depending of course on weather.

As a side note, I am finding it much more difficult to make notes for this posting when I am the one conducting the meetings so if I miss a couple things bear with me!

Weekly Public Safety report

Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 3/16/2015
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to two (2) medical calls this past week. Both victims were transported to the hospital.
Public Safety located graffiti on several homes this past week. This graffiti was not gang related. Please report any graffiti immediately and remove same if it is on your property. Few things can be as disturbing as graffiti in our neighborhoods.
The Public Safety Department responded to a motion alarm on Lamplighter Loop. Upon arrival, the residence was all clear.
Public Safety investigated an instance where a past resident entered CWL after being called in by a friend, the guest traveled to another residence and caused a problem. This incident was rectified with the unwitting resident now understanding a citation could be issued. Please remember: you are responsible for all the unlawful actions of anyone you allow into Candlewick Lake. If you call in a guest, they may not go to another residence of their choice.
Public Safety responded to a report of an ATV on the roadway. ATVs are not allowed on the roadway according to both CWL rules and Illinois traffic law. A written warnings was issued.
Loose Dogs
Public Safety responded to three (3) calls of loose dogs this past week. We were able to issue a written warning to one resident. Please keep track of your pets as our weather improves.
Rec Center Disturbance
Public Safety responded to the Rec Center for a fight between teenage basketball players. There were no significant injuries. This incident was investigated and captured on video. Banning from the facility and/or citations can be issued if there are occurrences of this nature.
Citations Issued: 8
Warnings Issued: 43

Monday, March 16, 2015

North Boone Fire Protection District will be conducting ice rescue operations on the lake Tuesday so don't worry, no one fell through the ice, just practice in case it does happen.

A couple stolen Facebook pics from the annual meeting

As you can see it was a decent turn-out.
Swearing in of those to be sworn at

A primer on taxes

Sunday, March 15, 2015

You decide

You did it.... of course!

 We needed 467 either proxies or P.O.s in attendance and you came through with 500 on the nose. That gave us a few to spare. We were able to swear in the board and make the necessary announcements. It was nice to see a lot of old friends there. Thanks again!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reminder, Sunday is the big day

Our annual meeting will be held at the Rec Center starting at 1 p.m. but get there a little early to sign in. We must know who is there so we can take that count plus the proxies to see if we have a quorum. As always seems to be the case, when you folks heard we were short of proxies you came through with a lot more. Still a little short so don't stop now but it is looking better than it did. We all want this meeting out of the way so we can move on with the next fiscal year's business. Thank you to all who have responded.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Weekly Public Safety report

Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 3/9/2015
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to five (5) medical calls this past week. Four victims were transported to the hospital.
The Public Safety Department responded to several reports of vehicles in a ditch. Public Safety, with the assistance of several neighbors, aided in assisting these residents.
Person(s) unknown had apparently driven over the median outside of the West Gate, destroying the light pole used to mark the location of the median. It is not understood how the driver failed to not see the median. If you have any information about this incident, please call the Public Safety Department.
Public Safety responded to a report of an open manhole cover on Griffin Place. Due to snow buildup, we were unable to replace the cover. This task had to wait until Monday for Aqua to replace the cover. Please notify our Department if you observe manholes not covered.
Lake Patrol
The Public Safety Lake Patrol did check fishermen this past weekend. All fishermen were in compliance. No problems.
Citations Issued: 13
Warnings Issued: 53
Holiday Lighting 
The Public Safety Department has recognized an extraordinary number of residents still having their holiday lights displayed on their homes. We would like to make you aware citations will be issued to these residences in a few days. The deadline for having the decorations taken down is over a week past.

Plan ahead for deliveries!

Get tickets now for the hunt!

Monday, March 9, 2015

I know I gripe a lot here but...

I had Mom's taxes done a week or so ago and get this, her medical expenses came to more than her total income but she still had to pay the state of Illinois income tax. No federal, just Illinois. I just don't get it. I questioned it but was told that is Illinois. Ridiculous!

Rules & Regulations finalized

Thursday was the board workshop to take a final look at the Rules & Regs and make the discussed changes for the last time before the vote to adopt. Everything should be a go for the board meeting of March 17th so we can finally put this to bed and get on with the task of administering the new rules. For the most part the changes seem to be well accepted but there will always be some who dislike portions. I am not crazy about one or two myself but we have to go with what seems right for the whole. Finally one more task behind us so we can move on.

Bunco March 13th

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I have to mention this again.

We still need a lot of proxies in order to have the annual meeting. I know some threw them away, not realizing how important they are. If you need a replacement please stop by the office and they will be happy to supply a new one. Getting a quorum is a must so we don't have to spend more of your money on another mailing.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Thank you for keeping our board together. We will do our best to let you see you made the right decision.

The property owners have spoken!

Lennard Lund.........145
Steve Lambright.....276....1 year term
Rich Witt..................300....3 year
Jeff Lutzow..............301....3 year
Don Parisi................286....2 year
Ken Dillenburg........293....3 year

The three with the highest total get three year terms
Fourth place total gets a two year term
Fifth place gets one year term

I am sad to say once again this year there was a large number of ballots that could not be counted due to being opened then taped shut, unsigned secretary envelopes, late arrivals (lots of those) loose ballot envelopes not in the secretary envelope, etc. 
Next year I hope your board can change some of the rules in order to stop this from continually happening. We have to have rules and adhere to them to assure everyone we are having a fair election but we must do all we can to make this procedure as simple as possible.

The times... they are a changing....

Sunday, March 8th.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Saturday will be the vote count for the Board of Directors election. As soon as I get the totals I will post them here for you. Probably late afternoon.

We must have 467!

Voting was light in this year's board election. Just over 400 countable ballots had been received by the deadline. This is troubling in itself but a secondary problem is the lack of proxies. Many property owners send in their proxies with their ballot so if they didn't vote they probably also didn't send in the proxy. We have around 30 loose proxies now and will have more when votes are counted Saturday but think about this for a minute. Let's say of the envelopes opened Saturday we get another 300 proxies (which would be a lot). That will make a total of 330 proxies out of the 467 we need. Attendance at the annual meeting would need to be 137 property owners and that will not happen.
 Without the necessary number we can not have our annual meeting. Why should you care? We will need to re-mail requests for proxies and that cost comes right from your dues. Please if you have not sent in your proxy do so and encourage others to do the same. We can not conduct year end business until the meeting and the meeting must be held no matter how long it takes.
 Let's use our dues money for things that we need, not waste it on mailings and labor. Please consider this.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mid week humor from Bonnie Marron

Subject: Punography

 I tried to catch some fog. I mist.

 When chemists die, they barium.

 Jokes about German
 sausage are the wurst. 

 A soldier who survived mustard gas
and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

 I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid.
 He says he can stop any time.
 How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.

 I stayed up all night to see where the sun went.
 Then it dawned on me.

 This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club,
 but  I'd never met herbivore.

 I'm reading a book about anti-gravity.
 I can't put it down.

 I did a theatrical performance about puns.
 It was a play on words .

 They told me I had type A blood,
 but it was a type-O.

 I didn't like my beard at first.
Then it grew on me.

 What does a clock do when it's hungry?
 It goes  back four seconds.

 I wondered why the baseball was getting
 bigger. Then it hit me!

 Broken pencils are pointless

 What do you call a dinosaur
 with an extensive vocabulary?
  A thesaurus.

  England has no kidney bank, 
 but it does have a Liverpool ..

  I used to be a banker, but
 then I lost interest.

  I dropped out of communism class
 because of lousy Marx.

  Cartoonist found dead in home.
 Details are sketchy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unsolicited re-post from Facebook

Will they ever get it right?

The nation’s top nutrition advisory panel has decided to drop its caution about eating cholesterol-laden food, a move that could undo almost 40 years of government warnings about its consumption.

The group’s finding that cholesterol in the diet need no longer be considered a “nutrient of concern” stands in contrast to the committee’s findings five years ago, the last time it convened. During those proceedings, as in previous years, the panel deemed the issue of excess cholesterol in the American diet a public health concern.

The finding follows an evolution of thinking among many nutritionists who now believe that, for healthy adults, eating foods high in cholesterol may not significantly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood or increase the risk of heart disease.