I know I am falling behind in my posts. We have a personal family health problem that is taking up a lot of my time as well as my emotions so it is kind of a rough time for us. Hang in there and as soon as this resolves I will try to get back into the swing of things. Bear with me and prayers are always appreciated. I will do what I can here with posts until then.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
From the Weekly Standard
This is a train wreck but the major media are ignoring the disaster. What do you do when you can no longer afford insurance but by law you must carry it? This is a long piece but it is worth watching. Ken
(Click on the link below. There is a 15 second ad before the piece)
(Click on the link below. There is a 15 second ad before the piece)
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
A couple Wednesday thoughts during a slow week
Larry sent an interesting observation. We constantly hear about Social Security funds running out... why do we never hear of welfare funds running out?
What do Mexicans use to cut their pizza? Little Ceasars. (think about it) Ken
What do Mexicans use to cut their pizza? Little Ceasars. (think about it) Ken
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Your weekly Public Safety report... once again they are helping our residents
Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 01/26/2014
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Bounty for a report of a subject having trouble breathing. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 10 block of King Henry for a report of a subject found on the floor. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Bradford for a report of a subject having a possible stroke. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Rockaway for a report of a subject who had pushed a life alert button. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Rockaway for a report of a subject having trouble breathing. The subject was transported for treatment.
Traffic Crash
Public Safety responded to the East Gate for a report of a three car traffic crash. Public Safety assisted until the Boone County Sheriff’s Office arrived.
Public Safety responded to multiple reports of vehicles in ditches.
Welfare Checks
Public Safety responded to multiple welfare checks on residents.
Traffic Citations 4
Parking Citations 1
Warnings issued 8
Monday, January 27, 2014
O.K., we have had enough!
Every year our budget includes an amount for snow plowing. Last year we were well under budget. This year maintenance in general was running well under budget but the amount of plowing recently is causing problems. Who would have projected this much plowing? We will still be all right but planning for weather contingencies is nothing but a roll of the dice, and this year we came up with snake eyes!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
A Sunday thought from James 3
To me this is an interesting passage that speaks of the importance of considering what we say. I for one tend to forget that at times so this is a lesson for me.
3 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. 2 For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. 3 If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. 4 Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. 5 So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.
How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life,[a] and set on fire by hell.[b] 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God.10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers,[c] these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? 12 Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
When AQUA fights for it's rate hike, a little ammunition for us from Barrons this week
For the nine months to Sept. 30, profit rose more than 25% to $163.7 million, or 90 cents per share, from $130 million, or 68 cents. However, the results benefited from a big tax drop and were complicated by the removal of discontinued operations.
The share-price decline represents an opportunity to get into a traditional "buy and hold" quality stock at a relatively cheap price, says Martin Leclerc, a money manager at Barrack Yard Advisors who's been buying the stock lately for clients. It has not only the safety aspects of a utility but also some growth potential that many peers don't have, he adds.
The company provides an essential service, and should benefit from some lasting growth trends, such as the continuing move by budget-constrained U.S. cities to cut costs by privatizing their water-delivery systems. Roughly 85% of water customers in the U.S. get their water from municipalities, so there's plenty of business to pick up there.
An additional growth leg for the Bryn Mawr, Penn., concern could come from the shale-gas revolution. New technologies such as fracking and horizontal drilling require tons of water. Through the construction of water pipelines, Aqua America is expanding in this nonregulated business in central Pennsylvania, part of the hot Marcellus Shale natural-gas play.
As is typical of the sector, Aqua America's profits are partly determined by regulators, and, depending on the municipality concerned, the company usually is allowed a 10% to 13% return on equity for the regulated parts of its business. It also has been raising earnings in recent years by purchasing smaller water systems around the country.
There are a limited number of publicly traded water utilities and Aqua America is the second biggest, after American Water Works (AWK), whose return on equity is about half of Aqua America's mid-double-digit percentage ROE.
The stock drop has brought Aqua America's 2014 price/earnings ratio to 19.5 times. That's not wildly cheap on an absolute basis, but it's a discount to its long-term median P/E of 23. Aqua America's P/E is also at a much lower premium to that of the S&P 500 than has been the case historically.
Aqua America sports a 10-year record of compounding its net income by 10% a year, and its dividend by 8%. It currently yields 2.6%.
Friday, January 24, 2014
The Butterburger Bandito!
A 28-year-old Rockford man was arrested by Belvidere police Tuesday on two counts of identity theft.
Belvidere police began an investigation after seeing an increase in local identity thefts in December and January. Several victims reported fraudulent purchases on their credit and debit cards that were made locally.
A follow up investigation led police to execute a search warrant at a home in the 1800 block of Crestwood Avenue in Rockford. Police say they seized computer equipment, an electronic card writer, blank credit cards, receipts, drug paraphernalia, cannabis, and a vehicle in the search.
Investigators believe 28-year-old Curtis Peck, an assistant manager at the Belvidere Culver's, was getting credit and debit card numbers from customers while he worked the drive-thru window.
The investigation is ongoing, but police believe the thefts occurred over the last 60 days and affected over 80 people with a combined loss of several thousands of dollars.
Belvidere officers examined the seized computer on Thursday, and discovered a list of potential victims. They will contact each one.
Peck is currently charged with two counts of identity theft, but additional charges are expected. He was released from custody after posting $10,000 (10%) bond.
(From WREX T.V.) Ken
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Since I didn't run for the board
I think you should still see my responses to the questions when running for the Board of Directors. As you know the election was cancelled but I will still be on the board. This is what was to be published in our paper before I withdrew. (Answers were limited to 100 words or less.) Ken
Fran and I have lived in
Candlewick approximately 26 years and owned our lot prior to that
I have been a member of
the Legal Committee, ECC, Chair of the Roads Commission, Finance
Commission member, Chair of the Election Commission, and am currently
Secretary of the Board of Directors. I have been a board member for
just short of three years.
I will lay it right on the
line. I am seeking re-election to the board not only to continue to
work on the projects in process and upcoming but also in an attempt
to prevent some who in my opinion do not have the best interests of
the property owners from obtaining a seat to disrupt our forward
progress on issues of importance. I want our association to continue
it's path of financial strength as well as containing expenditures
without harming our community's lifestyle, which is one to be
admired. I will expect strong staff and management.
My contributions as a
board member would be continued efforts in the area of finance by
scrutinizing expenditures and investments. I will use a common sense
approach to constantly arising community situations without
over-reaction that could in the end be more harmful than a measured
approach. I would like to remain on the ECC and continue my efforts
to get the ECC out of people's lives by eliminating rules that are
unnecessary while protecting other's property values by enforcing
rules that keep us an attractive community. I will continue to keep
people informed through my blog “The Candlewick View”
Our most pressing problems
right now are 1.. Maintaining lake water quality, 2.. Speeding, 3..
Our substantial yearly financial losses at Savannah Oaks, 4..
Incorrect and poor perception of our community due to negative news
reports in print and on television that are incomplete or just plain
misleading, 5.. Residents as well as non-residents that do not
maintain their Candlewick property.
My short term goals would
be continued investigation of the AQUA situation and remediation as
is deemed necessary, tightening the screws on property owners who's
properties are frankly an embarrassment, getting the speed trailer on
line that is in our budget and ticketing the heck out of speeders,
keeping dues increases to the minimum necessary to maintain quality
of life, and maintaining our existing amenities, facilities, and
physical infrastructure.
Long range plans should
include continuation of our ongoing road repairs and drainage work,
continuing lake quality work through the grant process we are
currently using as well as any other necessary actions to maintain
the lake, enhance the appeal of our community through Communications
Commission efforts promoting Candlewick Lake's many positive
attributes, and solid financial planning to assure our positive
future. We need to maintain and obtain as necessary good management
and staff assuring a well operated association.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
A little red faced!

This is why I ask you to read the Candlewick Paper for finalized meeting minutes. It is very difficult to debate an issue while taking notes. In my piece about last night's board meeting I mentioned passing the reso. regarding parking restrictions on streets during snow or ice. That reso. was actually held for further review and not passed at this time. It will come up again. I prove once more I am not perfect!
Tuesday night Board of Directors meeting
meeting attendance was small again, about 10 attendees. The open
forum consisted of a requested update on the AQUA situation, a
question about if we have fines for cigarette littering, and a thank you to the board for our work in the last year. ( we do have a rule and fine for
littering in general. )
next major issue was the AQUA update for the property owners. The
report is three pages long so I will just give you the gist of it.
Our engineers and legal have currently reviewed over 5,000 pages of
documents but were still missing some information from AQUA to make a
firm analysis and recommendations for remediation. AQUA, due to our
threatened litigation, was not cooperating to the fullest extent
possible because of the threat and not wanting to provide ammunition
for a law suit. Due to this and the costs to the property owners of
what would undoubtedly be protracted litigation it was decided to go
to a less confrontational stance and lawyers from both parties are in
agreement information obtained through this process will not be used
as material for litigation. To put it simply both parties want all
discharges to stop and working together will get the situation
resolved more quickly than digging in our heels for years while
waiting for a verdict. (This is for the best, move forward and get
this done!) Our management and engineers will meet with AQUA in an
open and cooperative environment to handle the situation.
IEPA is working with AQUA from a regulatory standpoint to possibly
place additional conditions on AQUA permits.
staff and engineers will be working to assure our beach will be open
in plenty of time for next summer swimming.
of you know AQUA is once again requesting a rate hike. You will be
kept informed as this progresses so we can do what is necessary as
was ably handled last time.
the AQUA update is my take on the three page document so read the CWL
paper to see the full text)
resolution about parking restrictions on Candlewick roads after a two
inch snowfall was read and passed after some discussion. The reso.
indicated no parking of any vehicle on any Candlewick road after a 2”
snowfall or an ice storm until plowing or ice control material is
reso. was read saying no guest vehicles shall be allowed on
Candlewick Lake when the lake is frozen just as guest boats are not
admitted during the summer due to liability. Resident's vehicles will
be issued stickers affixed by our personnel if they are to be used on
the lake. Proof of ownership is required and lawn mowers are
exempted. The motion passed.
maintenance gate opener needed replacing and was paid through the
operating account. A reso. as passed transferring that charge to the
replacement reserve account.
bathhouse at Friendship Park has been an ongoing problem with
vandalism and general misuse. I have written of that here before. A
reso. was passed spending about $6,500 to remodel the bath house and
turn it into a small one stall, one urinal unisex bathroom using our
own maintenance labor. The newly remodeled bathroom will be almost
vandal proof. Bids from the outside came in at forty to fifty
thousand dollars for a complete remodel so this is a steal. Funds are
from the replacement reserves so there is no affect on the operating
passed a reso. to spend the $3,000 as we have been doing yearly for
sign replacement.
financial status remains strong with road reserves of $364,553.90,
replacement reserves of $2,666,102.78, operating cash $414,989.35,
and operating investments of $429,138.90
cash $3,874,784.93 as of 12/31/2013 (looking good!)
are also under budget by around $40,000 so that is a plus.
proposed budget was discussed and there will be no dues increase for
next year due to our strong cash position.
January bad debt write offs amounted to $3,635.82. We have these
about every month due to foreclosures and bank payment restrictions.
25 at 7 p. m. will be an open meeting with the Boone County Sheriff
candidates in the primary election. This will be your chance to ask
those important questions. More will be published here as the time
approaches. Rich Witt agreed to moderate the event.
always, these are simply my personal notes and not official minutes.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Weekly Public Safety report
Candlewick Lake Public SafetyWEEKLY REPORT
Week Ending 01/19/2014
Week Ending 01/19/2014
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Liverpool for a report of a subject having difficulty breathing. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Candlewick Lake Rd. for a report of a subject suffering from pneumonia. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 400 block of Lamplighter Loop for a report of a subject with a bloody nose. The subject refused transport for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 300 block of Rochester for a report of a subject who had fallen and was experiencing back pain. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 500 block of Bounty for a report of a subject who possibly overdosed. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Brandywine for a report of a subject having a possible heart attack. The subject was transported.
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Drury for a report of a subject who had fallen and hurt a leg. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 500 block of Lamplighter Loop for a report of a subject with chest pains and trouble breathing. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Queens Place for a lift assist. The subject refused treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Rochester for a report of a possible stroke. The subject was transported for treatment.
Traffic Crash
Public Safety responded to the area of Friendship Park for a report of a traffic crash. Public Safety assisted until the Sheriff’s Department arrived.
Public Safety responded to the 400 block of Constitution for a report of a vehicle vs mailbox.
Citations Issued 11
Warnings Issued 43
Monday, January 20, 2014
We live in such a beautiful place
A few mornings ago just before sunrise I looked out the front window over the lake and the full moon was so bright it almost appeared to be daytime. I wish my cell phone took crisper pictures so I could better share the beauty with you. You can at least tell how bright it was. There are times we forget how blessed we are to live in Candlewick Lake. These scenes remind me not to take things for granted.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
In retrospect... answered prayer!
I prayed a lot about this board election. I hoped one of the active people who do so much for Candlewick would step forward to run so I could drop out. When I submitted my resume' I even titled it revocable to be sure I could get out if one of the right people entered the race.
We all know now that didn't happen. I didn't see how I could handle another three years on the board but I would if necessary.
As I look back at how this played out it actually was an answered prayer. I have family situations that are consuming both mentally and emotionally. If by the next election I am unable to handle the load and someone steps forward to take my place I can bow out without the three year commitment.
Our association also saved about $3,000 by not having the election.
God is good! Ken
We all know now that didn't happen. I didn't see how I could handle another three years on the board but I would if necessary.
As I look back at how this played out it actually was an answered prayer. I have family situations that are consuming both mentally and emotionally. If by the next election I am unable to handle the load and someone steps forward to take my place I can bow out without the three year commitment.
Our association also saved about $3,000 by not having the election.
God is good! Ken
And now the results!
The ice fishermen were at it again. Lots of familiar faces. Thanks to Dale Miedema for the pictures and information.
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Tom Pinkowski, Bob McHoes, and Bill Martin getting ready to head out on the ice- temperature a balmy +5.... |
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A fishermans catch draining out, prior to weighing. |
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. Chuck Hart rinsing fish to remove any clinging ice prior to weighing. . |
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Tim King won big fish. |
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1st and 2nd place winners, Chuck Hart and Tim King. |
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Thank you new Illinois CICA law
Here is the ridiculous ruling on the election procedure per CICA. If I run we will have to spend the money for an election with no write in candidates allowed at a cost of probably $3,000 of your dues money. If I withdraw my resume' we will have no election and I will serve a one year term instead of three. Make any sense to you? Me either.
Add to that the problem of having four board seats up for grab next year due to my one year term. To put it bluntly it is a mess.
I have decided to pull my resume' to save the association the cost and count on the good people of Candlewick to elect the right people next year.
Add to that the problem of having four board seats up for grab next year due to my one year term. To put it bluntly it is a mess.
I have decided to pull my resume' to save the association the cost and count on the good people of Candlewick to elect the right people next year.
Friday, January 17, 2014
A decent make up
I will say this about your board. We have a good diversity of age and thus outlooks. Don, Karl, and I are the old goats, Bonnie is more middle aged, and Steve, Jeff, and Chuck are younger with families at home. We really need the different opinions on issues to take all segments into account. This is a good thing.
I didn't expect this
I posted here some time ago I would not run for the board seat against anyone who has shown they are active in committees or commissions and in general are working for the betterment of our community. I also stated I would run if one of those I feel are attempting to cause harm to our community were to run.
I submitted my resume' with full intent to pull it if someone ran with whom I felt comfortable and I made that clear upon submission. It seems that didn't happen. In fact not one person chose to submit a resume' besides myself.
What this means is as a complete surprise to me your board of directors will remain the same as it was last year.
As I type this I do not know what this does to the election process. I can see no reason for a vote with one candidate and one open seat, so we have the opportunity to save two or three thousand dollars in printing and mailing costs if this is an unnecessary vote. I will let you know how this finally shakes out.
Shocked Ken
(By the way, I know the word resume' is not punctuated correctly but there is no key on my keyboard to do it correctly so no laughing emails)
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Candlewick Anglers ice fishing tournament
When? Saturday, January 18th
Where? Behind the Rec center
Time? 7 a.m. until Noon
Entry fee? $15.00
Optional $5.00 for big fish
You must be a property owner or a guest to enter. Join in the fun! (or should I say join in the fin)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
For anyone not yet covered
This is the site for Get Covered Illinois. I don't like the law but if you are not covered this is your source. Ken
I know this is more of a Facebook type post
This struck me as so funny I had to share it. I would have probably had a heart attack! Ken
(click the link)
(click the link)
They know how to do it right!
A Wedding set-up at the Eagle's Nest. What a beautiful setting!
Rich DeVries reminded me a couple days ago that the Eagle's Nest also has gift certificates. He purchased some as gifts. Not a bad idea. Show friends and family what a great place it is to eat and there can't be a better view.
Rich DeVries reminded me a couple days ago that the Eagle's Nest also has gift certificates. He purchased some as gifts. Not a bad idea. Show friends and family what a great place it is to eat and there can't be a better view.
Your last chance!
If you want to run for the board this year today (the 15th by 4:30) is the last day to turn in your resume'. Just a heads up.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Your weekly Public Safety report
Candlewick Lake Public SafetyWEEKLY REPORTWeek Ending 01/12/2014
Rescue Calls
Public safety responded to 100 Stanford for a report of a subject having difficulty breathing. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to 200 Drury for a report of a subject who had a leg injury and could not get up. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Galahad for a report of a subject having a seizure and vomiting. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 1200 block of Candlewick Dr. for a report of a subject vomiting. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Tamarack Hollow for a report of a subject not breathing deceased. The Sheriff’s Department responded and continued the investigation.
Disorderly Conduct
Public safety responded to a call on the lake of a subject urinating in public. The subject was located and cited for disorderly conduct.
Domestic Disputes
Public Safety responded along with the Sheriff’s Department to the 200 block of Lamplighter Loop for a report of a domestic dispute. Public Safety remained until the Sheriff’s Department arrived and continued the investigation.
Traffic Crash
Public Safety responded to a report of a traffic crash at Candlewick Dr. and Carthage. Public Safety assisted until the Sheriff’s Department arrived on the scene.
Citations Issued 9 (Traffic) 1 Disorderly Conduct
Warnings Issued 12
From CUB
New ComEd rates
January 13, 2014—A $340 million ComEd rate hike greeted customers in the new year. CUB is filing a "petition for rehearing" to challenge the new increase. In the meantime, get the facts on the new rates you'll see on your bill in 2014.
The increase was ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), under a new state law to pay for about $2.6 billion in upgrades to the power grid over the next decade. It hits the delivery part of our bills—what we pay ComEd to get the electricity to our homes.
Delivery charges include the customer, distribution facilities, and the standard metering charges, which take up about a third to a half of our bills. The rest is what we pay for the actual power.
ComEd has said the rate hike means the average household bill will see an increase of about $5.50 per month. A rundown of your new delivery charges:
Single family homes without space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $15.37/month
Distribution Facilities Charge:2.376 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
Single Family homes with space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $17.45/month
Distribution Facilities Charge: 1.13 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
Multifamily homes without space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $8.18/month
Distribution Facilities Charge: 3.09 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
Multifamily homes with space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $9.14/month
Distribution Facilities Charge: 1.429 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
The increase was ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), under a new state law to pay for about $2.6 billion in upgrades to the power grid over the next decade. It hits the delivery part of our bills—what we pay ComEd to get the electricity to our homes.
Delivery charges include the customer, distribution facilities, and the standard metering charges, which take up about a third to a half of our bills. The rest is what we pay for the actual power.
ComEd has said the rate hike means the average household bill will see an increase of about $5.50 per month. A rundown of your new delivery charges:
Single family homes without space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $15.37/month
Distribution Facilities Charge:2.376 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
Single Family homes with space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $17.45/month
Distribution Facilities Charge: 1.13 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
Multifamily homes without space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $8.18/month
Distribution Facilities Charge: 3.09 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
Multifamily homes with space heat
Monthly Customer Charge: $9.14/month
Distribution Facilities Charge: 1.429 cents/kWh
Standard Metering Charge: $3.32/month
Monday, January 13, 2014
Ballot mailing & etc.
I was hoping one mailing would do it for the new ByLaws but it seems we are still a couple hundred short so we will have to make a second mailing, which should take care of it but it still is an expense we hoped to avoid. Expect the second mailing in your mailbox in the next week or two if you have not yet voted. Remember if you don't like the ByLaws you can vote no just so we can have the ballot back. All votes are important in the final count.
On a second and happier note, a first peek at the proposed budget for 2014/2015 looks real promising. I think you will be pleased again. Too early to post details.
Last year as you may recall was a knock down drag out fight on the board regarding a portion of the budget. It ended up with a split vote on passage. This year should be different.
The budget battle on the board was a good thing, proving you do not have a board that will simply rubber stamp a budget. I don't expect it again this year... but who knows???
On a second and happier note, a first peek at the proposed budget for 2014/2015 looks real promising. I think you will be pleased again. Too early to post details.
Last year as you may recall was a knock down drag out fight on the board regarding a portion of the budget. It ended up with a split vote on passage. This year should be different.
The budget battle on the board was a good thing, proving you do not have a board that will simply rubber stamp a budget. I don't expect it again this year... but who knows???
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Your Sunday Smile
The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her preacher father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day she asked him why.
"Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages, "I'm asking the Lord to help me to preach a good sermon."
"Well then, how come He doesn't do it?" she asked.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Let's support the Eagle's Nest
Eagle’s Nest Café
Chase the blues away…and join us for a fun afternoon, (55 & older).
Tuesday, January 14th - 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Menu:-Stuffed Green Pepper Meal choice of potatoes and vegetable roll & butter-Homemade Tuna Casserole vegetable roll & butter-Hamburger Patty Plate served with cottage cheese, lettuce & tomato slices, coleslaw, & fruit salad
Cost is $6.99 per person includes lunch, coffee, tea (hot or cold), complementary dessert and BINGO!
Bring a friend and join the fun!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
From Advanced Disposal
Tom Pinkowski Sr. contacted Advanced Thursday to find out why there were trucks in Candlewick when the pick-up was to be on Friday. The following is the response, posted with Tom's permission.
As the week goes on and the weather improves we are slowly catching up. We did have a truck or two make it into Candlewick Lake today. We are aware that the residents have been told that we are a day behind. We do plan to travel each and every street again tomorrow making sure that all residents are serviced.
Sorry for any confusion we might have caused.
As the week goes on and the weather improves we are slowly catching up. We did have a truck or two make it into Candlewick Lake today. We are aware that the residents have been told that we are a day behind. We do plan to travel each and every street again tomorrow making sure that all residents are serviced.
Sorry for any confusion we might have caused.
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