In a chain between Clinton and her senior policy advisor Ann O’Leary titled “Memo on Cadillac Tax for HRC,” Clinton says she’s open to changing her position on the Cadillac Tax but that the Republican plan to repeal it must pass.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Well, maybe it is time
Between the old Candlewick Pride blog and this Candlewick View blog I have been doing this for around seven years. Readers have been kind enough to take the time to visit the two blogs a total of over two hundred thousand times. Things are changing.
Communication from our main office has grown by leaps and bounds. We now have e-blasts for breaking news, our Candlewick Paper, message boards, Facebook pages, and the Candlewick official website. A lot of what I post is duplicating the same items they are covering. I can see it is the page visits. At one time a good day would be 300 visits. Now 100 visits is a good day. Yes, if something controversial arises the views spike but that is not the norm. Other than the AQUA problem we faced things are actually pretty serene.
Frankly, I am also being overwhelmed at times by the family health issues most of you know about along with board and commission duties. All take my time and as I am in the December of my life time is a valuable commodity.
I will continue to post my board meeting notes and things I think you may not be hearing about but that will be it. Thank you to all for your interest. You are the reason I kept this up for as long as I have.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Board meeting
notes... October 18, 2016
Open forum for
property owners featured Lisa Sullivan indicating some research she
has accomplished regarding AQUA. Another gentleman indicated the
plans for the home owned prior by the Barqs. It will be working with
disabled veterans on a two to three day stay. Bruce Buck commented on someone knocking on his door then leaving. It is an irritation.
Janel Reidinger
from our office received her five year recognition award. She does a
great job and we are fortunate to have her here, especially when we
are in the process of finding a new accounting manager. She "knows
the ropes!"
The AQUA update included their plan to add two hydrants plus increase the water main size along two streets to improve water quality and reliability. Eliminating the undersized mains should help with the discolored water problem present during extended well maintenance. All affected properties will be notified prior to the project start. London and Prince are the two planned upgrades for this fall. More information to come.
There are a great number of citations for non mowed lots. Why in the world don't people pay the $25.00 or so to have the properties mowed rather than be stuck with a citation?????
Finance Commission reports bad debt write offs in the amount of $128.69 Accounting adjustments total $760.50.
I am sad to report James Munch, our accounting manager, has taken a position in Rockford and we are in the process of finding a replacement. James has done fine job during his tenure and will be tough to replace but I wish him well in his endeavors.
Our standing at the end of September is Operating Cash of $1,144,759.56, Operating Investments of $649,392.09, Reserve Investments $3,656,138.85. Total Investments $4,305,530.94 and Total Cash of $5,450,290.50.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $49,220.14 and over revenue budget $43,970.72, meaning we are “to the good” by $93,190.86 fiscal year to date.
Lake Management reports they recommend clarification of the no netting of fish rule. The engineer will be out in November to conduct the survey needed to develop a concept plan necessary before a grant application is submitted. This is for the area above the "dip."
Late in the year we had the first blue green algae bloom. We almost made it through the year. Fish stocking will consist of smallmouth bass, walleye, and musky. The commission recommends keeping the thrusters in place at the dip. As most of you know I think they are more trouble than they are worth and impede the work of the skimmer but this is Lake Management's call an I will respect it. They are the ones with the boots on the ground.
Events reports the Community Picnic was a success. Garage sales days and times should remain the same. Turkey Bingo is being discussed again.
Communication Commission discussed having a rule the same person can not win volunteer of the year twice in a row. In my opinion if they deserve it they should get it. Are they less valuable the second year?
Communications wants to set a rule of no more than two pictures per person for the photo contest and starting in 2017 Communication will decide who wins rather than a vote of people at the board meeting.
The Rec Commission mentions yoga had 8 people Monday and 2 Wednesday. Karate runs 10 to 16 participants. Preschool 9, Afterschool 17 to 23, and Line Dancing 3. Bunco had 31 show up.
Another community meeting will be planned when the Outpost plans are completed. The architect is working on them now.
The Golf Commission tells us the course still looks good. As soon as no more irrigation is necessary the suction line will be removed from the pond and the lines blown out. Should be soon.
Aeration of the course in complete. The floor of the clubhouse needs better maintenance and there is a problem with bees and ants.
Budget item requests are continuing. Suggested course closing date is November 13th.
Savannah Oaks clubhouse reports Pub Trivia had 54 participants. The Go/Glo run walk had a good turn out. Melissa Follman won the ping pong ball drop prize of $150.00. Halloween party October 29th, Vino Van Gogh November 5th, November 12th will feature a D.J.
Savannah Oaks as a whole is behind last year. Revenues are up by $9,198 but unfortunately expenses are up substantially more by $22,162 so we are behind last year by $12,964. Not a good trend!
Discussion was to be held regarding a possible AQUA ADHOC commission. It was decided there is no longer enough P.O.s with the wish to join.
Resolutions were passed to purchase new card readers for the Rec Center, and a video camera for one of the unequipped squad cars.
A policy regarding lake weed treatment was read. This was the first reading so there will be no action until the second reading and vote by the board. It will be published in your paper but simply put it is to strengthen the language regarding people using chemicals to treat the water in front of their property. This is a very dangerous practice that must not happen. We all know this has been a rough year for weeds but it is the association's job to keep them under control and plans are being made to combat them earlier than this year and in a stronger fashion. The clear water made the weeds explode.
Discussion was held regarding the possibility of trying a one day event tentatively named "Lake & Links" The board was asked if the gates could be opened for the event . The early cost guesstimate is three thousand dollars. It would be a labor intensive event including at least three of our commissions and volunteers. The board decided to ask for more information before committing to anything.
Government single payer here we come. Can you spell SOCIALISM?
WikiLeaks: Hillary Wants Obamacare to ‘Unravel’
Leaked email suggests Clinton rooting for Affordable Care Act to collapse
by Edmund Kozak | Updated 18 Oct 2016 at 10:26 AM An email leaked by WikiLeaks on Tuesday appears to suggest that Hillary Clinton wants the Affordable Care Act to fail — presumably as a pretense for implementing single-payer, government-rationed health care.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Weekly Public Safety report
Week Ending 10-17-2016
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to two (2) medical calls this
past week. One (1) subject was transported to the hospital.
Public Safety responded to the 100 blk. of Brandywine
Dr. for the report of several Halloween decorations moved and damaged. The
offender(s) are unknown. BCSO also made a report.
Burglary to Vehicle
Public Safety responded to the 2200 blk. of CWD for a
vehicle which had been entered. Items were moved around. A book and some misc.
change were taken.
Public Safety responded to the 100 blk. of Liverpool. Again
some items were moved and miscellaneous change was taken.
Public Safety responded to the 100 blk. of Liverpool the
next day for a vehicle which had been entered. Items were moved around. A
backpack containing numerous personal items was taken. BCSO responded to this
We want you to know; every vehicle entered had been
unlocked. Items of value were left in the vehicles overnight. No damage
occurred to any vehicle. We suspect there are more than one offender walking
our streets late at night. If you see anyone prowling the neighborhood, please
call Public Safety and the BCSO.
Gate Strike
Public Safety observed from the East Gate; a vehicle
being struck while entering the South Gate. Officers were able to located the
vehicle. A report was initiated. There was minimal damage to the vehicle and no
damage to the Gate.
Public Safety responded to a residence for the report
of an adult yelling and swearing at children. A BCSO Deputy also responded to
the call. Officers went to a residence and spoke to the adult, investigating
this incident. The issues were resolved. The school will also be notified.
Public Safety assisted a resident with their vehicle which
was broken down on CWD.
Public Safety assisted the BCSO with a neighbor
dispute in the 100 blk. of Liverpool Dr.
Barking /
Loose Dog Calls
Public Safety responded to four (4) loose dog calls this
week. One warning was issued. Two (2) dogs were returned home. There was only
one (1) barking dog call, the owners were warned and complied with our Officer.
Citations Issued:
Warnings Issued:
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
Time to get 'em out of the water!
Boats must be removed from Candlewick Lake rental docks by Sunday, October 16, 2016.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
I have never claimed to be a genius, but...
![]() |
They sure look tasty! |
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Between the devil and the deep blue sea!

Some years ago when the kids were young we rented a cabin in northern Wisconsin most years, normally in early June. One year we decided to do so later in the summer. The weeds were incredible so I guess they have the same problem. Gin clear lakes and too many weeds.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Saturday, October 8, 2016
I know I have written about this before but I still get questions so here we go again........
Microseal is not like sealing your driveway. This product is purported to have much better staying power and adhesion. When the road lesions are patched prior to application we are supposed to be adding five to seven years of life to the roadway. It is a thin coat of material so it is not the same as the two inch overlay we used in some areas this year. The product takes some time to set up properly so give it a while before judging.
If this works as claimed it will save us substantial funds long term. The only way to find out if it satisfies our needs is to give it a shot, which we did this year. By next summer we will see how it is holding up and you may see more of it.
Microseal is not like sealing your driveway. This product is purported to have much better staying power and adhesion. When the road lesions are patched prior to application we are supposed to be adding five to seven years of life to the roadway. It is a thin coat of material so it is not the same as the two inch overlay we used in some areas this year. The product takes some time to set up properly so give it a while before judging.
If this works as claimed it will save us substantial funds long term. The only way to find out if it satisfies our needs is to give it a shot, which we did this year. By next summer we will see how it is holding up and you may see more of it.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
That terrible cheating Trump... or is he?
Anyone who has been in business understands (or should) amortization and depreciation. Trump many years ago took what would in my (or most people's standards) a tremendous loss of around nine hundred million dollars. If he did not make enough to cover that loss it could be written off against future earnings, or even retroactively for a certain number of years. There is nothing wrong with that but the media and of course Mrs. Clinton is using those numbers to make it look like he is cheating the system by not paying taxes. WRONG! Should his company build a huge building that building is depreciated over many years, taking that number also as an offset to earnings as it should. Any type loses that can be claimed should be. None of us who have deductions would decide to just forget it and not use the deductions unless we are mentally deficient. If a deduction or write off is legal it should be used. Cash flow is another issue but this post will be long enough as it is.
Let's use an example with much smaller numbers. Most of us can not think in terms of many billions of dollars in revenue so the nine hundred million seems unimaginable. When you have revenue in the billions nine hundred million is like a hundred thousand to us.
Let's say you earn fifty thousand dollars in a year and the same year you purchase a building worth one hundred thousand dollars. You had saved enough to buy it for cash but before you signed the insurance papers the building burned to the ground. The salvage value was nothing after the mandated clean-up.
Would you to write off the loss in the same year? Of course you can not because you only made fifty thousand and not all of that is pure income after allowable deductions and credits so you carry the loss forward and to a degree backward. Yes, this means for years you may pay no federal income tax and is that cheating the public? Not unless when you took the loss the taxpaying public covered it for you.
This entire issue is ridiculous and simply a manufactured issue to use in the election process. Am I fan of Trump? NO! Will I vote for him? YES! In no small part because of his opponent and the media using every underhanded trick in the book in order to get the same person in the White House that should be in the Big House. You can bet the Clintons have used every deduction and write off possible as they should have. Their income adjustments wouldn't have been as huge because they have never produced anything tangible, simply always being government employees paid by your tax dollars or making money through speeches.
It has been some years since I have owned businesses so I am not as up on tax law as I was at one time but this is just common sense. DON'T be fooled!
Let's use an example with much smaller numbers. Most of us can not think in terms of many billions of dollars in revenue so the nine hundred million seems unimaginable. When you have revenue in the billions nine hundred million is like a hundred thousand to us.
Let's say you earn fifty thousand dollars in a year and the same year you purchase a building worth one hundred thousand dollars. You had saved enough to buy it for cash but before you signed the insurance papers the building burned to the ground. The salvage value was nothing after the mandated clean-up.
Would you to write off the loss in the same year? Of course you can not because you only made fifty thousand and not all of that is pure income after allowable deductions and credits so you carry the loss forward and to a degree backward. Yes, this means for years you may pay no federal income tax and is that cheating the public? Not unless when you took the loss the taxpaying public covered it for you.
This entire issue is ridiculous and simply a manufactured issue to use in the election process. Am I fan of Trump? NO! Will I vote for him? YES! In no small part because of his opponent and the media using every underhanded trick in the book in order to get the same person in the White House that should be in the Big House. You can bet the Clintons have used every deduction and write off possible as they should have. Their income adjustments wouldn't have been as huge because they have never produced anything tangible, simply always being government employees paid by your tax dollars or making money through speeches.
It has been some years since I have owned businesses so I am not as up on tax law as I was at one time but this is just common sense. DON'T be fooled!
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
A wonderful dinner with great people
The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner went over very well with a lot of attendees that seemed to really have a good time. The catering arm of our resident Dandy Donuts Lakeside really outdid themselves with the pulled pork sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, baked beans, chili, Asian salad, carrot cake, and other assorted goodies. Truly a great meal. Of course pop, water, and wine was included in the menu. We had a set up for pictures to be taken, many of which I am sure will be in our paper.
On a personal note, it was so great seeing all the people who give of themselves to make our community better. We can't thank them enough. We also need to Thanks Theresa and our Candlewick staff who handled the planning and implementation. Nice work!
On a personal note, it was so great seeing all the people who give of themselves to make our community better. We can't thank them enough. We also need to Thanks Theresa and our Candlewick staff who handled the planning and implementation. Nice work!
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Well, ol' Chuck won again (deservedly)
Congratulations Chuck. You deserve the honor!
An email to me from Rich DeVries. A good Sunday thought.
A Christian Pastor's Analysis of the U.S. Election Drama
By: Dr. James Dobson (minister, lecturer, teacher and writer of many books, particularly on the family)
Is Trump good for America?
I mentioned Sunday that I would speak on this next week. Unfortunately, I found that I was shoehorning this topic into my planned message. To properly present what I want to speak on Sunday, I may have to leave the Donald out of it! But let me take a minute for those that wonder and give some of my thoughts.
When I first heard that Trump (DT) was entering the race last year, I told my wife that perhaps it was a good thing for the party and America. I knew that he was not a "saint," but I thought that he would be like a bull in a china shop. He is a disrupter and I believe America could use a fresh thinker especially in the political arena. I didn't think he would get the nomination, but that he would shake up politics as usual. I was correct on the shaking up!
Lance Wallnau likens him to a biblical Cyrus. Someone who is dynamically used of God even though not perceived by many as a God follower. God has used many people in history that I would probably not like or agree with. I'm not sure I would have liked all the disciples, or David, or Moses. Somehow, God did not seem compelled to consult with me on His choices!
I have always admired Winston Churchill. He is seen as one of the greatest national leaders in the 20th century. Last year, I had the privilege of going through the War Museum in London. Winston is a key feature. His life is controversial. He was not always celebrated as a great leader. He was a bombastic, cigar smoking, at times crude, even misogynistic leader. It is alleged that he told off color stories to his children before bedtime! A woman once told him he was disgustingly drunk. His response was "My dear, you are disgustingly ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly!"
There are many websites that discuss the outlandish comments and activities of this great world leader. But, he had exactly what was needed to stop Hitler at the Channel, to rouse a nation to never give up and to partner with America to find final victory in Europe. You probably wouldn't want him as your pastor, maybe not even your father, but he was the right leader for that moment in England's history. Such a brazen man that would go up to the roof of his quarters in central London and smoke cigars as Hitler's air force bombed all around him. I'm not sure I would have voted for him.... but he was the right man!
I think it would be awesome to have a righteous leader, one that understood the intricacies of the economy, health care, defense, immigration, with great sensitivity to religious institutions, a heart for the poor, a vision for the future. If that leader was a praying person, formidable in the word of God and loved the local church, I would rejoice! I do not think that is the choice we will have in November.
Instead....we will look for someone who is imperfect, yet will fit the times we are living in. Particularly, that 'whoever' we vote for, will be someone who might possibly have the opportunity to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices. That could radically shape our culture in America for the next 30 years. The America of our grandchildren could be very different....and that may not be good. We cannot stand on the sidelines. A non-vote is a passive vote for a direction we may very well regret. Donald Trump good for America? I honestly believe that he has been already. He has shaken the political system. Do his comments offend me? At times! Do I agree with all he says? Not at all! But could he be a "Cyrus" being raised up by God to preserve America? Nobody liked Gen. Patton, but he sure WAS an instrument of the United States for the right things.
This I know. I will vote for the best chance for America. I will pray for our leaders as I have already. In the end - God will continue to be my source and my hope. I do believe that God has had a hand in America's history. I hope and pray that He will also have a saving hand in America's future.
Here's Dobson complete follow-up statement on Trump's alleged conversion:
"Only the Lord knows the condition of a person's heart. I can only tell you what I've heard. First, Trump appears to be tender to things of the Spirit. I also hear that Paula White has known Trump for years and that she personally led him to Christ.
"Do I know that for sure? No. Do I know the details of that alleged conversion? I can't say that I do.
"But there are many Christian leaders who are serving on a faith advisory committee for Trump in the future. I am among them. There are about 45 of us that includes Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, Jack Graham, Ben Carson, James Robison, Jerry Johnson, and many others whom you would probably know.
"We've all agreed to serve. How will that play out if Trump becomes president? I don't know. It is a good start, I would think.
"If anything, this man is a baby Christian who doesn't have a clue about how believers think, talk and act. All I can tell you is that we have only two choices, Hillary or Donald. Hillary scares me to death.
"And, if Christians stay home because he isn't a better candidate, Hillary will run the world for perhaps eight years. The very thought of that haunts my nights and days. One thing is sure: we need to be in prayer for our nation at this time of crisis."
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