Complaints keep coming... why isn't the skimmer by my property, dock, cove, frontage, etc. The algae pops up from the bottom daily and the skimmer can not be everywhere in the lake at once. The process takes time.
You may remember I posted a week or so ago regarding the lack of manuverability when winds are high. This runs on hydraulic paddle wheels and sits high like a pontoon. It is very difficult to control.
Thursday due to the P.O. complaints it was taken out even though it was windy. After hitting the areas most blocked from the wind it was trying to move from the sheltered area and was being pushed by the wind toward the bank. Sonny, the operator, had to open it up all the way up and fight to stay in open water. You guessed it, another hydraulic pump blew after quite a while problem free. Now we have no skimmer until it is fixed. If the fingers look bad they will just look bad. We all know why.