Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Board meeting personal notes of april 19

Board meeting notes... April 19, 2016

Our new officers for the year were elected. President Ken Dillenburg, Vice President Don Parisi, Treasurer Jeff Lutzow, and Secretary Greg Waite.

The drawing was held for the winners of the dues reduction raffle. There were 5 winners, each having $512.00 credited to their Candlewick account. The lucky folks have to be accredited as property owners before announting the names. I will post them later.

 The AQUA update... Joel (from Aqua) indicates this week the pump station is complete, the week of the 25th the lift station will be started up and tied in if all goes well. The week of May 2nd the asphalt plants start up and road repair will start within a couple weeks coordinated with CWL.

Finance Commission reports write offs in the amount of $45,205.58 due in large part to properties owned by Boone County, who will not pay dues on properties siezed for taxes. Accounting adjustments total zero.
Our standing at the end of March is Operating cash of $793,372.59, Operating investments of $439,871.06, Reserve investments $3,531,391.81. Total investments $3,971,262.87 and Total cash $4,764,635.46.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $345,786.41 and over revenue budget $54,211.95, meaning we are to the goodby $399,998.36 fiscal year to date. 

Lake Management reports the egg addling continues, volunteers are needed to help with replanting of plants in the bioswales that didn't make it, and fish shocking is scheduled for April 26th at 8 a.m. There is also a recomendation regarding grant planning that is addressed later in this post.
Regarding our harvester/skimmer, it was run last week with no problems, then Monday this week when it was taken out the shaft in one of the hydraulic motors broke. This is the same motor replaced last fall so something is amiss. They are sending out two reps with the motor Wednesday to assess the situation. The skimmer has two of these motors, one right and one left, and the one on the other side has never been a problem. Since the last one was purchased last fall I doubt there will be warranty coverage. I have no idea what is causing this.

The Rec Commission wishes to return to adult swim times, however this has been found to be prejudiced and is not allowed. Woodhaven has been sued for just such a practice.
New dog park tags will be available May first and new trees have been ordered and planted in the area. Karate is averaging 12 to 16 students per class. Bunco is doing well with 23 people at the March 18th session. Bocce Ball is planned for some time in May on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8.

Your golf course is looking great and the clubhouse is up and running with more to offer. Now there are loaded baked potatoes, chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, pizza bread, and other new items to add to the old standbys you are accustomed to. Jenny Andres is the new manager and has things humming with May 5 Cinco de Mayo, May 17th the first tournament, May 21 youth league sign ups begins with June 1 being the start with a cost of $7.50 per week, and May 28th the Memorial Day tournament.

Golf Commission... Monday a.m. Senior League, Tuesday p.m. Women's League, Wednesday p.m. Couple's League, Thursday p.m. Men's League, Friday p.m. Bags League, Sunday a.m. Poker Golf.
It sounds like you could golf your life away with all this!

The Roads Commission reports we have a lot of shoulder problems not allowing the water to drain as it should causing road failure. Our maintenance staff is being trained on the process of road/shoulder repairs and the available equipment is being checked. Different types of road preservation treatments were discussed with recommendations to be forthcoming.

Olson Ecological Services is contracted to submit plans for runoff containment in the area above "The Dip" in order to stop the amount of silt and nutrients entering our lake from the fields upstream. The submission for grant request is due by August first so an engineering plan will need to be started immediately. Your board voted to fund the necessary amount for engineering work. This means we will be going one more year with no physical work in the area but plans will be in place going forward. This, with the blessing of Lake Management, will be our focus as the next remediation site.

The Outpost replacement plan is moving forward with a slightly scaled back version of the origonal plan. Still the same square footage but a different layout and dropping the plan for an upper level. Meetings are being set to see if we definitely need a sprinkler system or if it can be eliminated in some way. We also are finding if we need an architect stamp before going for bids. Construction will hopefully start in the fall. Emphasis on hopefully! There is still a lot to do prior.

Vote was taken to have the cost of the punch cards for Rec Center programs and classes set at $30.00 for six punches and drop in participation cost to be at $6.00 each, making the punch cards a bargain.

A new water softener for the Rec Center kitchen was approved, Scott Pointner was retained as our legal council for the next year, Pool rules were adopted and will be posted, budgeted office file cabinets will be purchased, guidelines for the amount of change and small bills to be accepted at the office were adopted, the committee and commissions charters were adopted for the next fiscal year, and the budgeted utility cart for Savannah Oaks will be purchased.

Dates were set for a board workshop as May 9th at 6 p.m. and the Caledonia Road clean up date was set for Monday, April 25 at 5:30 p.m.. The contract was also extended for the same area. By the way, anyone wishing to help are very welcome. Just stop by the west gate at 5:30. It is a big area for just the board to handle. Some volunteers have helped out in the past and it is most appreciated.

Be sure to watch for official minutes printed in your Candlewick Paper.