Matt Farley is out on the water again with an air temperature of about 45 and water temp not much higher. This guy sure loves he water! Thanks to Barb Appelhans for the picture. Ken
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Bye bye Columbus day!
Is this getting ridiculous or what??? In the never ending battle to be the most politically correct Columbus Day must be changed. Change our currency faces, change the names of sports teams, etc. When does this end? Candlewick may be offending wood fires because they came before candles.......Ken
For the past 81 years, Americans have celebrated Columbus Day on the second Monday of October. That won’t change this year, but a growing number of cities are seeking to abolish the traditional holiday and replace it with a day that acknowledges and celebrates the millions of people who were already living here when Christopher Columbus arrived.
This year, the recast holiday known as Indigenous Peoples Day will take place in at least nine cities across the United States, including in Albuquerque, N.M., Anadarko, Okla., Portland, Ore., St. Paul, Minn., and Olympia, Wash., according to the Associated Press.
Last year, the Seattle City Council unanimously voted to change the federal Columbus Day holiday to Indigenous Peoples Day, making it the second major U.S. city after Minneapolis to adopt the change, according to Reuters.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Gang and drug awareness meeting
I was unable to attend the presentation but Barb Appelhans was kind enough to send a picture and mention some of the key points.
I was so happy to see a great turn out for Sgt. Dammon's presentation.
I didn't see you so I thought I would share with you what I took away from this. If you see graffiti photograph it and turn it into the police or public safety so it can be determined if it is gang related and which gang we are dealing with then remove it the sooner it's cleaned up lessens the chance of it happening again. The most important way to prevent gangs is good parenting. Know who your children's friends are, know where they are at all times, what time they are coming home and verify they are where they told you they would be.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
There is still no firm information regarding where or exactly when we will be experiencing power outages Friday. They really don't seem to know themselves but be ready. It could last four hours.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Irritation doesn't cover the feeling
Monday evening we worked our rear ends off cleaning both sides of the road from Dawson Lake Road to Kelly Road. I drove out the west gate this morning to be greeted by a pop can already thrown across from the gate by Caledonia Road. As I drove further south I saw what appeared to be a couple empty gallon jugs thrown along the roadway. What low-lifes!
By the way, thank you Jim Brefeld for your help. It made a big difference.
By the way, thank you Jim Brefeld for your help. It made a big difference.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Interesting Saturday evening
Not Saturday, this was one of her earlier catches |
Now it was my turn. The school moved to my area. I ended up with an 8 pound cat and a 6 pounder. Yes, she beat me again. We were back in the house by nine after landing about forty pounds of fish. Not bad for an hour and a half. We released all of them. Cat that size taste as my grand daughter put it "like cleaning stuff." I agree.
Time to step up to the plate
COMMUNITY CLEAN UP DAY – April 30, 2016 Rain date – May 1, 2016 Starting at 8:00 AM at the Recreation Center Sign up at the Recreation Center or the Administration Office to commit to a certain area, street or park. We need your help to make sure all areas of our community are covered. If you have any questions, contact Chuck Corso – 309-235-4941.
I will be working on it Friday rather than Saturday and I am sure the bags will be at the Rec Center that day as well. Tied up Saturday... do it Friday!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Addling report
Jim Brefeld tells me they addled 41 goose eggs Saturday. That much less feces to step in! Thanks volunteers.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Watercraft Safety Education
Thursday, May 5, our Rec Center will host a free event. Your Public Safety Department will be promoting a watercraft safety class. Officer Brian Alt of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources will be refreshing your knowledge of this subject. Always good to keep up to date.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Tidbits to chew on
From Fox News Latino...
One of the American men accused in Minnesota of trying to join the Islamic State group wanted to open up routes from Syria to the U.S. through Mexico, prosecutors said.
Gules Ali Omar told the ISIS members about the route so that it could be used to send members to America to carry out terrorist attacks, prosecutors alleged in a document filed this week.
The document, filed Wednesday, is one of many filed in recent weeks as prosecutors and defense attorneys argue about which evidence should be allowed at the men's trial, which starts May 9.
From the Financial Times...
From the Financial Times...
Amid rising drug and health care costs and roiling market dynamics, the spokesperson for the nation’s health insurers is predicting substantial increases next year in Obamacare premiums and related costs.
Without venturing a specific percentage increase, Marilyn Tavenner, the president and CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), said in an interview with Morning Consult that the culmination of market shifts and rising health care costs will force stark increases in health insurance rates in the coming year.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Thank you Maintenance Department
I drove around the lake around noon and the "Dip" and Fisherman's Cove look great. The ol' skimmer did it's job. Now if we can just keep it running. The appearance of our inlets has a definite affect not only on our appearance as a community but also our property values. Keep up the good work guys!
Can you please spare an hour?
Next Monday, the 25th, will be the Caledonia Road clean up. All will meet at the West gate and the pick-up starts at 5:30. We clean from Dawson Lake Road to Kelly Road on both sides.
It is smart to clean it before the grass grows and the mowers turn the paper into confetti. Bags are provided but it is smart to bring your own picker-uppers since we have few. Last time it was just over an hour for each team and it was clean as a whistle. The more that show up the less time for all so please consider helping us. As always you volunteers are very appreciated.
Thanks, Ken
It is smart to clean it before the grass grows and the mowers turn the paper into confetti. Bags are provided but it is smart to bring your own picker-uppers since we have few. Last time it was just over an hour for each team and it was clean as a whistle. The more that show up the less time for all so please consider helping us. As always you volunteers are very appreciated.
Thanks, Ken
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Took a good bite out of it this evening
Thank you Chuck Hart for the pictures. The skimmer is out attacking the algae. Let's hope we finally have all the bugs worked out. It can never get it all but if it hauls out 90% it is well worth the investment. ROLL ON!
From my meeting notes in case you skipped them
The dip has been sprayed for algae... actually a granular was used. Below is the message on the skimmer..... Ken
Regarding our harvester/skimmer, it was run last week with no problems, then Monday this week when it was taken out the shaft in one of the hydraulic motors broke. This is the same motor replaced last fall so something is amiss. They are sending out two reps with the motor Wednesday to assess the situation. The skimmer has two of these motors, one right and one left, and the one on the other side has never been a problem. Since the last one was purchased last fall I doubt there will be warranty coverage. I have no idea what is causing this.
Regarding our harvester/skimmer, it was run last week with no problems, then Monday this week when it was taken out the shaft in one of the hydraulic motors broke. This is the same motor replaced last fall so something is amiss. They are sending out two reps with the motor Wednesday to assess the situation. The skimmer has two of these motors, one right and one left, and the one on the other side has never been a problem. Since the last one was purchased last fall I doubt there will be warranty coverage. I have no idea what is causing this.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Board meeting personal notes of april 19
Board meeting
notes... April 19, 2016
Our new officers for the year were elected. President Ken Dillenburg, Vice President Don Parisi, Treasurer Jeff Lutzow, and Secretary Greg Waite.
The drawing was held for the winners of the dues reduction raffle. There were 5 winners, each having $512.00 credited to their Candlewick account. The lucky folks have to be accredited as property owners before announting the names. I will post them later.
The AQUA update... Joel (from Aqua) indicates this week the pump station is complete, the week of the 25th the lift station will be started up and tied in if all goes well. The week of May 2nd the asphalt plants start up and road repair will start within a couple weeks coordinated with CWL.
Finance Commission reports write offs in the amount of $45,205.58 due in large part to properties owned by Boone County, who will not pay dues on properties siezed for taxes. Accounting adjustments total zero.
Our standing at the end of March is Operating cash of $793,372.59, Operating investments of $439,871.06, Reserve investments $3,531,391.81. Total investments $3,971,262.87 and Total cash $4,764,635.46.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $345,786.41 and over revenue budget $54,211.95, meaning we are “to the good” by $399,998.36 fiscal year to date.
Lake Management reports the egg addling continues, volunteers are needed to help with replanting of plants in the bioswales that didn't make it, and fish shocking is scheduled for April 26th at 8 a.m. There is also a recomendation regarding grant planning that is addressed later in this post.
Regarding our harvester/skimmer, it was run last week with no problems, then Monday this week when it was taken out the shaft in one of the hydraulic motors broke. This is the same motor replaced last fall so something is amiss. They are sending out two reps with the motor Wednesday to assess the situation. The skimmer has two of these motors, one right and one left, and the one on the other side has never been a problem. Since the last one was purchased last fall I doubt there will be warranty coverage. I have no idea what is causing this.
The Rec Commission wishes to return to adult swim times, however this has been found to be prejudiced and is not allowed. Woodhaven has been sued for just such a practice.
New dog park tags will be available May first and new trees have been ordered and planted in the area. Karate is averaging 12 to 16 students per class. Bunco is doing well with 23 people at the March 18th session. Bocce Ball is planned for some time in May on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8.
Your golf course is looking great and the clubhouse is up and running with more to offer. Now there are loaded baked potatoes, chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, pizza bread, and other new items to add to the old standbys you are accustomed to. Jenny Andres is the new manager and has things humming with May 5 Cinco de Mayo, May 17th the first tournament, May 21 youth league sign ups begins with June 1 being the start with a cost of $7.50 per week, and May 28th the Memorial Day tournament.
Golf Commission... Monday a.m. Senior League, Tuesday p.m. Women's League, Wednesday p.m. Couple's League, Thursday p.m. Men's League, Friday p.m. Bags League, Sunday a.m. Poker Golf.
It sounds like you could golf your life away with all this!
The Roads Commission reports we have a lot of shoulder problems not allowing the water to drain as it should causing road failure. Our maintenance staff is being trained on the process of road/shoulder repairs and the available equipment is being checked. Different types of road preservation treatments were discussed with recommendations to be forthcoming.
Olson Ecological Services is contracted to submit plans for runoff containment in the area above "The Dip" in order to stop the amount of silt and nutrients entering our lake from the fields upstream. The submission for grant request is due by August first so an engineering plan will need to be started immediately. Your board voted to fund the necessary amount for engineering work. This means we will be going one more year with no physical work in the area but plans will be in place going forward. This, with the blessing of Lake Management, will be our focus as the next remediation site.
The Outpost replacement plan is moving forward with a slightly scaled back version of the origonal plan. Still the same square footage but a different layout and dropping the plan for an upper level. Meetings are being set to see if we definitely need a sprinkler system or if it can be eliminated in some way. We also are finding if we need an architect stamp before going for bids. Construction will hopefully start in the fall. Emphasis on hopefully! There is still a lot to do prior.
Vote was taken to have the cost of the punch cards for Rec Center programs and classes set at $30.00 for six punches and drop in participation cost to be at $6.00 each, making the punch cards a bargain.
A new water softener for the Rec Center kitchen was approved, Scott Pointner was retained as our legal council for the next year, Pool rules were adopted and will be posted, budgeted office file cabinets will be purchased, guidelines for the amount of change and small bills to be accepted at the office were adopted, the committee and commissions charters were adopted for the next fiscal year, and the budgeted utility cart for Savannah Oaks will be purchased.
Dates were set for a board workshop as May 9th at 6 p.m. and the Caledonia Road clean up date was set for Monday, April 25 at 5:30 p.m.. The contract was also extended for the same area. By the way, anyone wishing to help are very welcome. Just stop by the west gate at 5:30. It is a big area for just the board to handle. Some volunteers have helped out in the past and it is most appreciated.
Poplar Grove teen on Ellen's show
This was on Channel 23, Rockford. The story is there but I had problems with the sound. Possibly it will work for you. Click the link below if interested.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Ilinois Comptroller Leslie Geissler Munger plans to delay monthly paychecks for lawmakers and statewide officials, saying there isn't enough money to pay the state's bills and that other services should come first.
The comptroller's office will still process the paychecks, estimated at $1.3 million a month, but lawmakers won't get the money right away because the payments will be thrown onto the state's huge pile of unpaid bills.
Munger acknowledged the idea is to apply pocketbook political pressure to lawmakers to spur a resolution to the 10-month budget fight between Republican Gov. Bruce Raunerand Democrats led by House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton. She argued that lawmakers' paychecks are taking away money from nonprofit social service providers and small businesses who have seen their payments delayed during the impasse.
"I am hoping that this will help everyone understand what it feels like, really, to be among the group of people who are waiting months for payment," Munger, a Lincolnshire Republican, said at a rare Sunday morning news conference in Chicago.
Water rescue training planned
You will remember the fire department sunk a car body in the lake last year. It will be used for rescue training this coming Wednesday the 20th. They will be staging on the dam and by the marina. If you wish to watch, no problem, but we have to stay far clear of their work area. It will take place starting at 6 P.M.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Well, the water is warm enough now
A couple evenings ago Fran and I tried some bottom fishing from our dock in the evening. Not one hit, but also there were no bluegills or minnows near the frontage so it was too early in the spring. Take a look at this afternoon. The water has warmed and they have moved in in droves. Tonight we try again. (This is Sunday.)
![]() |
I know my dock looks terrible. I am getting it power washed and stained this year! |
I want to honor Darrell today
This is my son Darrell not many years ago with his first grandchild. Most of you know he now has a terrible brain disease so he always needs your prayers. He turned 48 Saturday and even with his unfortunate condition he still is cheerful and a good man.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Just so you know
The "dip" area is starting to look ugly early again this year. The skimmer has been out but can not get all the way into the point without risking damage. The area is being sprayed and will continue to be monitored. The early warm weather is after us again!
Friday, April 15, 2016
From "THE HILL" The headline tells it all. This was predicted when implimented
Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable
Thursday, April 14, 2016
This is why I was off line for a couple days.
I know some think I am nuts going with this color but it is my office and I like bold colors. The guys did a good job in my opinion.
Coyotes... our friends
During the Lake Management meeting of April 12 those who were involved in goose egg addling commented on the lack of goose nests on the dam. That used to be one of the preferred areas and now there are almost none. The best bet is the coyotes are keeping the geese from this open area. Good for them!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Bioswale burnings
Tallgrass Restoration came out Monday to burn the bioswales. Burning will kill the shallow rooted plants allowing the deeply rooted to establish better without fighting for dominance. The deep rooted plants were planted to help filter the runoff and keep our lake cleaner.
Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 4/10/2016
Week Ending 4/10/2016
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to three (3) medical calls this past week. All three (3) subjects were transported to the hospital.
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for vandalism. The call was for a house and vehicle that had been egged. A search of the area was made and no suspects were found.
Barking Dog/Loose Dog
Public Safety responded to two (2) calls involving animals. Both calls were for loose dogs and both were unfounded at the time the area was checked.
Neighbor Dispute
Public Safety and the BCSD responded to one (1) call for a dispute between neighbors.
Public Safety responded to two (2) calls involving people ringing door bells and knocking on doors. In one (1) call BCSD were also contacted. One (1) call no subjects were located when the area was checked. The other call was a dare and the parties involved apologized.
Break In
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for a possible break in. BCSD was also summoned the call was cleared with no break in.
Illegal Entry into Candlewick
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for illegal entry in Candlewick. A vehicle entered the West Gate illegally. The vehicle was located and a citation was issued.
Disorderly Conduct
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for disorderly conduct at the Savannah Oaks Clubhouse. An argument between patrons occurred and one subject left the premises. The matter is still under investigation.
Citations Issued: 12
Warnings Issued: 11
Public Safety responded to three (3) medical calls this past week. All three (3) subjects were transported to the hospital.
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for vandalism. The call was for a house and vehicle that had been egged. A search of the area was made and no suspects were found.
Barking Dog/Loose Dog
Public Safety responded to two (2) calls involving animals. Both calls were for loose dogs and both were unfounded at the time the area was checked.
Neighbor Dispute
Public Safety and the BCSD responded to one (1) call for a dispute between neighbors.
Public Safety responded to two (2) calls involving people ringing door bells and knocking on doors. In one (1) call BCSD were also contacted. One (1) call no subjects were located when the area was checked. The other call was a dare and the parties involved apologized.
Break In
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for a possible break in. BCSD was also summoned the call was cleared with no break in.
Illegal Entry into Candlewick
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for illegal entry in Candlewick. A vehicle entered the West Gate illegally. The vehicle was located and a citation was issued.
Disorderly Conduct
Public Safety responded to one (1) call for disorderly conduct at the Savannah Oaks Clubhouse. An argument between patrons occurred and one subject left the premises. The matter is still under investigation.
Citations Issued: 12
Warnings Issued: 11
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
They wonder why people don't bother to vote
This year I am hearing more underhanded dealing in the presidential election than I knew was possible. This is not Republican or Democrat, it is both sides. How in the heck can a candidate win a state but lose the delegate count by a lot? Colorado didn't even need a Republican vote. They all went to Cruz. In Wyoming Sanders won by double digits but got far less delegates than Clinton. It is not just those states, it is happening all over.
I voted but I will say I am disenfranchised. Yes, I know about the electoral college in the general election but this corruption goes right down to local levels in the primaries. Ridiculous!
Monday, April 11, 2016
Just show up at the rec center at 9 a.m. Saturday. All help appreciated!
Looking for eyesores
I drive around Candlewick daily and as part of our effort to improve the appearance of our community I try to look at it as a visitor would. Yes there are areas that need work, but one that seems like nothing but drives me nuts is the way the Belvidere Daily Republican newspaper boxes look. Notice some time as you drive around how many are hanging by one nail or pointed down or angled. They make things look neglected and trashy. I sent a message to the paper asking them to do something about their appearance. Let's see what happens, in other words if they care about the appearance of their boxes. It is part of their reputation as well.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Sunday consideration......
“What you thought before has led to every choice you have made, and this adds up to you at this moment. If you want to change who you are physically, mentally, and spiritually, you will have to change what you think.” ~Dr. Patrick Gentempo
Saturday, April 9, 2016
50 less to worry about!
Jim Brefeld tells me seven people turned out for the first day of goose egg addling. Those seven working through the snow on April 9th addled (oiled) a total of fifty eggs. Those fifty eggs could have turned into fifty more geese who would have considered Candlewick Lake their year round home!
We are indebted to these volunteers every time we are on one of our beaches, parking lots, parks, or walking into the Rec Center when we don't step into goose droppings.
This project will continue for four or five more weeks so volunteers will be needed each week.
We are indebted to these volunteers every time we are on one of our beaches, parking lots, parks, or walking into the Rec Center when we don't step into goose droppings.
This project will continue for four or five more weeks so volunteers will be needed each week.
Friday, April 8, 2016
A couple notes on our Capron Rescue Squad in CWL
You may have heard on the news, Capron Rescue Squad is providing the Boone County Sheriff's Department with NARCON to save lives due to narcotics overdoses. This has become a serious problem in the entire region so CRS has stepped up to the plate to help.
It also should be noted as I was in the office a few days ago I looked at the sign up sheet for our annual clean-up day and there was our Rescue Squad. They are volunteering to help out. Darn nice of them!
It also should be noted as I was in the office a few days ago I looked at the sign up sheet for our annual clean-up day and there was our Rescue Squad. They are volunteering to help out. Darn nice of them!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Remember this old boy?
Our skimmer getting ready to attack the algae |
The skimmer is prepped and set to go for as soon as it is needed this year. We also ordered an extra pick up belt (which seems to be the most vulnerable part) and will have it on hand so we can change it out and not have the down time waiting to repair the damaged one.
Do we have all the ducks in a row? I hope so but the proof will be in a few weeks when it is running full steam. Be assured, we are planning ahead.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Here it comes... Friday, April 8th
Savannah Oaks is scheduled to open the course and clubhouse the 8th for the season. Let's hope the weather cooperates. If it is too wet we have to keep it closed to protect the grass and greens. Here's hoping you golfers can get in the first rounds of the season. Going by my drives through the course it looks like it is bouncing back strong. Lookin' good!
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Just a heads up
Next Tuesday, the 12th, I am scheduled to have my office painted so there may be three or so days with little or no posting. I haven't died, there will be some plastering as well and all my stuff will be covered with plastic so I am out of service.
You couldn't pay me enough!
The rotor motor went out on our antenna so the service guy scampered up the tower like a monkey showing no worry at all. The tower is anchored by two screws into the roof and goes to the ground. He said he climbs them three times this tall so this is nothing. Between the service call and new equipment it cost me about $400.00 but no way would I ever try this myself.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Capron Rescue Squad continues their training and now offers CPR training to others
Thank you to Lloyd Johnson from Mercy EMS-for training 7 new Capron Rescue American Heart Association CPR instructors. This allows us the ability to reach out and help certify other public safety entities and members of the community in this life saving technique. If your group would be interested in CPR training please contact us.
Marron's Monday Madness for us old folks
This should be sent only to those whose level of maturity qualifies them to relate to it.1966: Long hair2016: Longing for hair1966: KEG2016: EKG1966: Acid rock2016: Acid reflux1966: Moving to California because it's cool2016: Moving to Arizona because it's warm1966: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor2016: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor1966: Seeds and stems2016: Roughage1966: Hoping for a BMW2016: Hoping for a BM1966: Going to a new, hip joint2016: Receiving a new hip joint1966: Rolling Stones2016: Kidney Stones1966: Screw the system2016: Upgrade the system1966: Disco2016: Costco1966: Parents begging you to get your hair cut2016: Children begging you to get their heads shaved1966: Passing the drivers' test2016: Passing the vision test1966: Whatever2016: DependsJust in case you weren't feeling too old today, this will certainly change things. Each year the staff at Beloit College in Wisconsin puts together a list to try to give the faculty a sense of the mindset of this year's incoming freshmen. Here's this year's list:The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were born in 1998.They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.Their lifetime has always included AIDS.Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.The CD was introduced 7 years before they were born.They have always had an answering machine..They have always had cable.They cannot fathom not having a remote control..Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.They never heard: "Where's the Beef?", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel", or "de plane, Boss, de plane.."They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. even is.Mc Donald's never came in Styrofoam containers.They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.Do you feel old yet? Pass this on to the other old fogies on your list. Notice the larger type, that's for those of you who have trouble reading..So have a nice day!!!!! It is good to have friends who know about these things and are still alive and kicking!!!!
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