Chuck Hart says there are four inches of ice in the dip and has the pictures to prove it. He was ice fishing Friday and killing the bluegills and bass. I will take his word for it at this point. Call me a coward if you will but I am not going onto that ice until I see four wheelers running on it. Looking up at the ice from underneath just doesn't appeal to me!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
It's your money folks!
have mentioned here before about the By-Laws ballots we need turned
in. They are continuing to come in, but slowly. The first mailing
cost somewhere around $4,000.00. We are about two thirds of the way
to the number we need to wrap this up.
we have to do another mailing it will cost between $2,000 and $3,000,
depending upon how many we have to mail. I can think of many things
where this could be put to better use, including holding down dues.
far as I am concerned we didn't get aggressive enough on this one.
When we sent out the ballots for the CC&Rs we had front page
coverage on the Candlewick paper with every board member indicating
how important it was to vote. We received over 800 yes votes right
away. That same number of votes would pass the By-Laws with a lot to
spare so I thought this was a slam dunk. Not so. We didn't make it
clear enough to the P.O.s that this was an important vote. We should
have. Live & learn!
talk this up so we don't have to waste your money on another mailing.
If someone wants to vote no that is fine. At least we don't have to
mail the packet to them again.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Neighbors helping Neighbors update ... still time to join in!
Are you starting your holiday shopping this weekend? If so, how about shopping for a CWL child/teen in need.
Stop by the Recreation Center and select a mitten or tree ornament from the
Go shopping with friends or family, select and purchase a gift, wrap it and place the ornament on the gift, then bring the gift to the Recreation Center on December 14 between 10:00am and noon to be delivered that afternoon.
We still have 16 ornaments which need to be selected.
If you have any questions please contact either Bonnie Marron at (815) 765-2030 or or Sandy Morse at (815) 765- 2377 or
We are helping 19 families representing 47 adults and 50 children. That's 19 turkeys, 19 dinners, and 100 gifts.
Sandy and Bonnie should be lauded for their efforts to help the those struggling right now. Ken
Sandy and Bonnie should be lauded for their efforts to help the those struggling right now. Ken
We should all be thankful
Like anywhere else one could live, Candlewick always has some areas that need attention but I will tell you this, I feel privileged to live where I do. Candlewick is filled with good people that care about one another and we have some of the best amenities anywhere. When I had health problems I couldn't believe the number of friends that wanted to help with everything from mowing our yard to picking up groceries. Candlewick really does care. Smile... we are blessed.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Rockford Register Star's owner bankrupcy update
Pension, trade and all other unsecured creditors of GateHouse were not affected under the prepackaged plan. GateHouse’s secured lenders, whose debt was cancelled under the plan, received choice of shares in New Media or a 40 percent cash distribution. The publicly traded shares of GateHouse have been cancelled, with shareholders receiving warrants for New Media stock.
(Wouldn't you love to your debt reduced by 40% as they did?) Ken
(Wouldn't you love to your debt reduced by 40% as they did?) Ken
A little late but here it is
Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 11/24/2013
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Queens Place for a report of small child who fell and is bleeding. The child was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Stanford for a report of a subject who had fallen down the stairs with a neck injury. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Bounty for a report of a subject bleeding. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 100 block of Rockaway for a subject in distress. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety responded to the 500 block of Lamplighter for an unknown medical issue. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public safety responded to the 100 block of Drew Court for a report of a subject with a migraine. The subject was transported for treatment.
Damaged Property
Public Safety responded to the 1200 block of Candlewick Dr. for a report of a vehicle damaged by a blowing trampoline. A report was generated.
Public Safety responded to the 400 block of Marquette for a report of damaged mailboxes.
Citations Issued 27
Warnings Issued 18
Let's have some fun!
Saturday, December 7th, there will be a trivia contest at 8 p.m. at Savannah Oaks. We are supposed to form teams. This sounds like fun! I know I am not the sharpest tack in the box but would anyone like to join with me to take a shot at this? I will try to find out how many make up a team and if some of you want to team up with me let me know and the first ones to drop me an email will be part of the team up to the limit we are to reach. We are supposed to wear ugly Christmas sweaters but I am not a sweater person so for me that isn't happening.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
From Kathy Batzkall... tornado donation site
Collections accepted in Belvidere for Washington tornado victims..........
Interested parties can bring items Monday-Friday from 7:30 am-3:30 p.m. to the Franklin Display Group, 801 5th St., Belvidere. The Franklin staff will assist with your donations.
From Fox News
I know you are tired of me posting about Obamacare but honestly, this is so serious and we are all going to pay the price. Ken
Almost 80 million people with employer health plans could find their coverage canceled because they are not compliant with ObamaCare, several experts predicted.
Their losses would be in addition to the millions who found their individual coverage cancelled for the same reason.
Stan Veuger of the American Enterprise Institute said that in addition to the individual cancellations, "at least half the people on employer plans would by 2014 start losing plans as well." There are approximately 157 million employer health care policy holders.
Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute added, "the administration estimated that approximately 78 million Americans with employer sponsored insurance would lose their existing coverage due to the Affordable Care Act."
Monday, November 25, 2013
Further thoughts on the AQUA situation
I posted my feelings about the harm being done to our community by
the incomplete and demeaning stories being run in the media about Candlewick Lake.
Let's discuss some of the ideas I have heard for remediating the
pumping situation.
spring pumping was according to AQUA an attempt to keep the
contaminated water from getting into basements due to the influx of
water from the heavy rains. Obviously this did not completely succeed
as a few homes did get it in their basements.
have said AQUA should not be allowed to pump under any circumstances.
Yes, it is disgusting, but would you rather have that procedure or
have maybe 100 homes with sewage in their basements? Some homeowners
are threatening legal action against CWL if we force AQUA to stop all
pumping and their basements are contaminated. Both situations are
bad. Which do you prefer, basements or ditches and the lake? Rock and
a hard place, right?
possible solution to the situation that has been suggested is putting
a sewer shutoff in homes to eliminate the possibility of back-ups.
Again, not well thought through. If one home shuts off the sewer the
pressure will simply move to the next unprotected home and back up
there. If that isn't bad enough, would the home with the sewer shut
off even be inhabitable? I doubt it with no flushing toilets and no
ability to run water since there is nowhere for it to go. The health
department would probably be all over that one.
must have a solution to this problem and we have an engineer hired by
Candlewick at considerable expense looking at all the infrastructure
to see what needs to be done to stop this problem. We are also
spending one heck of a lot of your dues money on legal fees acquiring
back filings and going over possible eventualities. This will all
cost us when dues time rolls around.
take this one step further. Don't kid yourself. Any major
infrastructure change or repair will end up on your AQUA bill. They
are allowed to make a fair profit by the ICC. This will continue.
They are a monopoly and controlled but that doesn't stop
say we should have bought the system ourselves in the past. Really?
Do you realize all these problems would now be on our shoulders. We
do not have the expertise or manpower to handle it. At least a
company with the financial strength of AQUA has the resources to fix
what needs fixing and spread the cost over years on your bills.
will be irritated with this post. Folks, I am just telling it like it
is. I wish I could say more but believe me this is not nearly as easy
as some believe. Your board, management, engineer, and attorney are working on
getting this handled before the spring rains. Let them do their job.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
A Candlewick Missionary
Karen Burke is someone you may know. She is now on her second trip to Trinidad as a missionary. Knowing Karen, she is I am sure a great ambassador for young people as well as a great witness for God. She normally lives with her parents here in Candlewick and has just started a blog documenting her activities in Trinidad. I wish she had started it sooner. Ken
Click the link below to view her blog....
Click the link below to view her blog....
Saturday, November 23, 2013
This Sunday... plenty to do!
Sunday, November 24:
Breakfast Buffet: 8:00am – Noon; Eagle’s Nest Cafe
Football (Bears vs. Rams): Noon; Savannah Oaks
Football (Packers vs. Vikings):Noon; Savannah Oaks
Savannah Oaks holiday hours
Savannah Oaks Clubhouse
Closed Thursday 11-28-13
for Thanksgiving!
Wednesday 11-27-13
5:00 pm until ????
Drink Specials
50 cent Drafts
$1.00 Can Beers
$3.00 Yeager Bombs
Family coming to town? Show them the clubhouse for free!
21 or older after 9:00 pm please.
Friday, November 22, 2013
This was emailed to me. See what you think.
Listen to Lucy defending her lifestyle.......
(click the link)
(click the link)
New guest pass resolution
Please remember this was not passed at this point and will be discussed further in December with possible revisions. Ken
Thursday, November 21, 2013
This was so discouraging
"I feel sorry for you living in Candlewick."
Mom's hairdresser had no idea how that comment cut into my heart. "I see it on the news all the time about the lake" she continued.
I explained to her how blown out of proportion the story was she had just watched and told her I have eaten fish all summer out of the lake and people were skiing and enjoying the lake. She then told me she knows the stories are all blown out of proportion. It was too late. People love to spread these stories.
The latest story showed a pump running but didn't mention the pump was running the affluent into the AQUA plant for treatment as a precaution to be sure none ended up getting out onto the road. AQUA assured us that was the only pump running and they had no problem controlling the system with the latest rains. They are informing Tracy of any pumping of any kind going forward.
The damage is done. People will believe what they wish to believe and spread it as well. Anyone thinking these stories are hurting AQUA are not in the real world. These stories are hurting your property values. Would you want to live in a community that has the reputation of a lake with sewer constantly being pumped into it? I wouldn't. AQUA isn't being hurt. Their rates are set by the ICC for the most part and these stories have no affect on rates.
Irritated? You're darn right I am. I love this community and I am very tired of these stories. They are doing us ZERO good. Your board and attorney are working on the problem and this is not helping the action.
Results of the fish shocking
From my limited knowledge it appears perch are an area of concern and we have too many small bass.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
My personal meeting notes from the November board meeting
meeting started as usual with the open forum for property owners.
The attendance was only twelve. Property owners spoke on subjects
such as Trick or Treat hours, guest passes for extra owned lots, and
Savannah Oaks costs.
treasurer reported our financial picture is still strong with the
roads reserves carrying a balance of $364,303, operating funds
$109,705, operating investments $628,928, and reserves $2,898,475.
Total is about four million one hundred fifty thousand. Write offs
this month were $4,837.43 mainly due to some chapter 7 bankruptcies.
So far for the year we are running to the good by about $34,600
comparing our budget projected costs and expenditures.
Management had some proposals for next year such as allowing only
residents to operate motorized vehicles on the ice and each vehicle
must be registered at the office and have a sticker applied for
control. This was passed. They also asked board approval for an ice
fishing seminar in December as well as an ice fishing tournament
January 4. Fish limit changes were also requested and approved. I
will post those on a later date along with fish density numbers from
our fish shocking that supports the changes.
of Candlewick put forth a proposal for a new boat lift for our Crestliner patrol boat. They are donating about $4,000 to the cost and
asked Candlewick to pick up the last $1,000. This was
Rec Commission reports Yoga and Toning will now offer the 6/punch
pass for classes as Zumba now uses. CWL Biggest Loser contest is a go
from January into May with a kick-of party, a nutritionist, and
discounts for CWL and personal training classes. 3 on 3 basketball is
in the works for three age groups. More to come here later.
Events commission reported the Fall Festival was a big success.
Breakfast with Santa is set for December 14 with gift wrapping
scheduled for December 11 The Eagle's Nest will be preparing the
food. The Holiday light judging will be December 16 starting at 6:00
p.m. Turkey Bingo was a huge success with a turnout of about 120.
Karl and Ellen Steiskal will be organizing the New Year's Eve party
with Chip Messner being the entertainment. Specifics to follow here.
was held regarding guest passes for lots when an individual already
own a non-adjoined property. After much discussion this was tabled
for further study and should be revisited in December. I will post
the resolution here as it stands but expect possible revisions if it
is passed. This has become more controversial than I expected.
will now be handling our website at a cost of $50.00 per month plus a
one time $150.00 set up fee. This was previously handled in house but
with personnel changes in the office this was a less costly way to
vote was taken to vote the association owned lots in the affirmative
for the By-Laws. We own nine lots. The board decided not to take lots
offered from the county by scavenger sale due to the ongoing costs
involved to your association.
or Treating hours were reduced and on a split vote it was decided
starting next year the time will be reduced to two hours from four.
It will be from two to four p.m.
Rabine road repairs will be handled in the spring and the road
project will be combined as a two year project into one to produce
better bids on the larger project. AQUA's manhole repair project is
almost finished with three to go.
indicated the only pumping Sunday was into their own processing plant
for treatment and nothing went into ditches or our lake.
Capron Rescue Squad is asking to lease land in the area of
maintenance for placement of a response building. This is a win-win
idea for us and I hope this happens. Faster response plus income for
us from the lease. I will keep you up to date as this develops.
these are personal notes only and the Candlewick paper will have the
approved minutes.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
It took me a minute.... Black Wednesday?
Come Celebrate
At the
Savannah Oaks Clubhouse
Wednesday, November 27th
Beginning at 5 pm
Music provided by DJ Steve Westlund
Drink Specials
Draft & Canned Beers, Wine and Wine Coolers and Vodka & Cranberry Juice
Food Specials
Come and Enjoy the Fun! Bring Your Friends & Family!
From Fox News
While millions of Americans are watching their individual polices get canceled due to ObamaCare regulations, the new health care rules are also having a major impact on college campuses.
For decades, universities and colleges have offered students bare-bones policies. But because of the Affordable Care Act, those policies no longer cut it – and universities are forced to decide whether to offer significantly higher-cost plans or cancel coverage altogether.
The new rules affect a broad swath of American schools, especially the small ones.
At Bowie State University in Maryland, the cost of student health insurance policies went from roughly $100 a year to $1,800 a year.
The cancelled plan offered $5,000 worth of medical coverage to students for just $54 per semester. University administrators said an acceptable replacement under the Affordable Care Act would have cost $900 per semester, a 1,500 percent increase.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Your Public Safety weekly report
Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Weekly Report
Week Ending 11/17/13
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to the 600 block of Candlewick Dr. for a report of a subject suffering a possible stroke. The subject was transported for treatment.
Public Safety and rescue personnel responded to the 300 block of Rochester for a report of a CO2 detector going off. The CO2 detector was reset.
Damaged Property
Public Safety responded to the 200 block of Rochester for a report of damaged mailboxes.
Public Safety responded to Oak Tree Park for a report of a sign being knocked down.
Service Calls
Public Safety responded to numerous calls from residents regarding power outages and monitored Aqua pumping during the latest set of storms.
Citations Issued 18
Warnings Issued 12
AQUA pumping Sunday
![]() |
from spring 2013 |
Nothing to do with Candlewick
Take a look at this YouTube video. After watching it I remembered all ten items so it works. I have a lousy memory. Ken
No D.J Saturday
We will still be open for business, so come down for our drink specials!
Hours on Saturday: 5:00 PM to Midnight
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Your Sunday smile
A memorial
One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. The plaque was covered with names, and small American Flags were mounted on either side of it.The seven year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the boy, and said quietly, "Good morning Alex." "Good morning pastor," replied the young man, still focused on the plaque.
"Pastor McGwire, what is this?" Alex asked. "Well, son, it's a memorial to the men & women who died in the service. "Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque. Little Alex's voice was barely audible when he asked, "Which service, the 8:45 or the 11:00?
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Another shoe falls
(Reuters) - UnitedHealth Group dropped thousands of doctors from its networks in recent weeks, leaving many elderly patients unsure whether they need to switch plans to continue seeing their doctors, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.
The insurer said in October that underfunding of Medicare Advantage plans for the elderly could not be fully offset by the company's other healthcare business. The company also reported spending more healthcare premiums on medical claims in the third quarter, due mainly to government cuts to payments for Medicare Advantage services.
The Journal report said that doctors in at least 10 states were notified of being laid off the plans, some citing "significant changes and pressures in the healthcare environment." According to the notices, the terminations can be appealed within 30 days.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The turnout looked good
![]() |
from 2012 |
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The girl on the Obamacare site
Speculation swirled that Adriana might not be a legal resident of the United States, and therefore not even eligible for the health care exchanges. Adriana said she is a wife and mother who lives in Maryland with her 21-month-old son and husband of six and a half years. Her husband is a U.S. citizen, as is his her son. Adriana, who is Colombian, said she has lived legally in the U.S. for more than six years, is currently a permanent resident and is applying for citizenship.
Though she is eligible for healthcare through the ACA, Adriana says she hasn't signed up for it, and is neither in favor nor against it.
It just keeps getting better. She is not even a citizen of the U.S. Ken
It just keeps getting better. She is not even a citizen of the U.S. Ken
Eagle's Nest updates
We are having a Facebook Photo Contest! Take a picture of yourself eating at Eagle's Nest Cafe, INC and we will pick a random person to win a $25 Gift Certificate to Eagle's Nest Cafe! The contest ends on November 30th, 2013. Come on in and get posting!!!
It is a slow news day so we are going to go off the beaten path
I was reading
in the November issue of “New Scientist” about the way the body is swept clean using the lymphatic system. This does not
apply to the brain. Your brain cleanses itself during sleep and a
person getting less than the suggested eight hours of sleep does not
have their brain swept as it should be. The same type deposits that
are seen in the brains of those with Alzheimer's after death are left
to accumulate and clump, the hypotheses being lack of sleep may make
one predisposed to the disease. Again, this is speculation.
On a more
personal note, I have always found it interesting the amount of sleep
we are supposed to get. Think about it for a minute. I normally get
probably five hours per night. For this example let's use six hours.
If one sleeps for six instead of eight they are losing about 8% less
of their awake time. Going to the far end of the spectrum, if at 80
you had slept 8 hours per night you would have effectively been awake
a little over 53 years. If the same person slept 6 hours per night
the awake years would be 60 years. That is seven years of additional
productive time. Which would you prefer?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
and another golfing update
Savannah Oaks
Open for walk Only!
(Weather permitting of course)
Saturday 11-16-13 Noon until Dusk
Sunday 11-17-13 Noon until Dusk
All Golfers
Must Check-in
at the Clubhouse Before Golfing!
Unless otherwise posted the course will remain closed for the rest of the season!
Must check in and set up Tee time before game play!
Clubhouse Winter Hours
Monday 5:00 pm until 9:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday Closed
Thursday 5:00 pm until 9:00pm
Friday 5:00 pm until Midnight
Saturday 5:00 pm until Midnight (Noon on 11-16-13)
Sunday 11:00 am until 9:00 pm
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