Board of Director
Meeting Notes
night’s meeting started off on a strange note as only 4 Board members were in
attendance. I can never remember 2 BOD members missing a meeting at the same
time, let alone 3. In addition, General Manager, Tracy Carter, could not attend
as well. Add this to the fact that there were less than 10 people in attendance
and, as I stated earlier, things got off on a strange note.
Balk informed those in attendance that HAB Aquatics will be mobilizing for the
upcoming alum treatment on May 28th, with work beginning on May 29.
The project will take no more than 8 days to complete and work will be done
sunup to sundown, rain or shine. At the recommendation of Lake Management and
the BOD the lake will be closed while the alum is being applied to allow for
better coverage and to allow us to get the most for the $272,000 being spent on
this project. The treatment will go into all the fingers, using a pontoon boat
with booms attached to allow the spraying as close to the shoreline as
possible. A larger barge will be used on the deeper portions of the lake.
Parisi reminded those that were present that the bulk garbage pick-up has been
change to take place the morning and early afternoon of Saturday, May 25. This
was a decision by Roscoe Disposal and CWL had no control over the date. If
there are bulk items at the curb on Thursday, May 23 they may be picked up on
Thursday, but if not, they will be collected on Saturday.
reported that the Finance Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, May 20 was
cancelled due to a power outage which did not allow for the printing of the
finance packet which the members review.
Marron reminded those in attendance that Lake Management is hosting a Beaver
Creek / Candlewick Lake Watershed meeting at the Recreation Center at 4:30pm on
Thursday, May 23. This is a stakeholders meeting which has to do with the
planning grant for the lake. Everyone was encouraged to attend. Theresa Balk
will have the agenda posted at various locations today.
also mentioned that volunteers are needed to help with the upcoming planting
program at Firefly Bay. Anyone interested in this shoreline stabilization
program and wants to help can contact Chuck Hart, Lake Mgmt Chair, or Theresa
Balk. Planting is being scheduled for either June 1 or June 8.
following Committee/Commission officers were confirmed:
Mgmt: Chuck Hart (Chairman), Bill Batzkall (Co-Chair), Marge Olsen (Secretary),
Charlie Sewell, Pam Cangelosi, Jim Brefeld, Lee Odden and Tom Pinkowski (
Standing Voting Members)
Bonnie Marron (Chairman), Mary Budreau (Co-Chair), Karen Ferkel (Secretary),
Ellen Steiskal and Bobbi Drake (Standing Voting Members), Rich Witt and Karl
Steiskal (Alternates)
Rich deVries (Chairman), Bonnie Marron (Co-Chair & Secretary), Ken
Dillenburg, Greg Waite and Don Parisi (Standing Voting Members), Randy Budreau
charters of the Lake Management, Recreations and Public Safety Commissions were
reported on the presentation which was made to the City/County Committee of the
Boone County Board on May 8. Don Parisi, Sandy Morse, Tracy Carter and Bonnie
addressed the committee updating them on the goings on in CWL. The committee
was presented with an outline of the presentation, a copy of the newspaper, a
copy of the new brochure which will be used to market Candlewick and shown
various photos of fish caught on the lake, the annual fireworks display, and
community garden. The Committee was impressed with the work done in conjunction
with the Belvidere/Boone County Food Panty and the North Boone High School
Fishing Club. In addition, interest was shown in the annual garage sales and
community garden.
total of $32,275.73 representing 8 properties was written off as bad debt.
was reported shoulder work will be done on the roads this summer with some work
being done in-house and the balance going out for bid. The general roads
project will commence in the early fall. McClure Engineering will be retained,
per a motion made and passed at this meeting, to oversee the quality of the
roads project as some failures were encountered following the work done last
year. This contract is not to exceed $18,155.00 plus an estimated reimbursable
expense of $1,200.00. Members of the Roads Commission, staff, Rabine, and
McClure met earlier this year, visiting some of these problem areas, and Rabine
is currently working on a remediation plan.
BOD approved the Lake Mgmt recommendation to purchase an eight (8) slip including
gate and bulkhead from Residential Roll-A-Dock from Rock River Enterprises and
Barge which will be installed near the Recreation Center for rental slips at a
cost not to exceed $23,000.00. No installation date was given. 4 of the 8 slips
currently being utilized directly behind the Recreation Center will be retained
as rental slips to accommodate as many resident requests as possible.
meeting was then adjourned, but I did not record the exact time.
by Bonnie Marron
( I told you she is a better writer than me!) Ken