Rich Witt |
The meeting had sparse attendance of 18, probably due to the non-controversial agenda and lousy weather.
Rich Witt began the meeting with his report on the progress on the trails. A lot of the trails are now mulched and there are two anchored benches built by
Jim Brefeld installed on the main trail across from Oak Tree Park. Usage is picking up. The work
Tony Corso |
continues to completion. He also was granted permission to cut a path toward the back of the community to allow for easier inspection of the "black
pipe" that has been a source of continuing drainage problems. This was of course granted.
Tony Corso mentioned some of the smaller patched areas that were done when Rabine handled the road project are sinking. He will send the
Staff in attendance |
information so they can be checked. He also again questioned the new garbage service not staying on the roads and harming the shoulders. That
problem is being handled.
Joe Glickenberger asked for a variance to be allowed to keep up a temporary structure used to repair batting machines for baseball teams he coaches. The request was tabled.
Jeff Lutzow reported we are still
Your board of directors |
coming in under budget by about $67,000 with a total of $3,601,396 in all accounts including the reserve and operating funds.
Roland, our Public Safety Chief, asked for permission to use our multi purpose room for a meeting of the local emergency preparedness committee of Boone County on April 16. Granted.
Don Parisi reported on the ECC meetings, which were minimal recently due to the time of year &
Joe Glickenberg |
on the well testing he would like to have accomplished to verify water availability and quality if we were to use our pump by the golf course to
replentish the lake during dry spells. A motion was made to spend no more than $2,000 to make the necessary tests and feasibility study. Passed.
G.M. Tracy in preparing bids for the upcoming alum treatment has found a firm
willing to assess our lake
bottom at no cost to see how much alum is needed, thus aiding the bidding process.
Karl Steiskal reported the 3 on 3 basketball has started and there is good participation. Programs are going well. Night Zumba starts January 21st so sign up soon. The Breakfast with Santa had attendance of 213, which is huge!
Chuck Corso reported the golf commission had five new recommendations for the board this year. All passed muster.
Jeff Lutzow reported we are writing off $5,349.07 in bad debt mostly due to foreclosures and banks only being required to pay partials. Also refunded was $420.30 in rental fees due to a purchase of one rental home sold and another vacant.
A resolution was read and a 6-1 yes vote was recorded to vote the 11 associations owned lots as yes for the CC&R restatement election.
Our next town hall meeting is to be held January 19 (Saturday) at 2 p.m. in the multipurpose room at the rec center.
The meeting was adjourned and reconvened for a short executive session.
As always these are simply notes for the meeting and not actual minutes. Watch the Candlewick Paper for official minutes.
Thank you Barb Appelhans for the meeting pictures. Ken Dillenburg