Friday, July 31, 2015

Pictures from Dale Mediema

Dale and Barb Appelhans took a ride in the Cub again and Barb took some nice pictures. Dale sent me a couple ones for you.
Our new Skimmer/Harvester at work

Barb next to the Cub. She has a great eye for good shots!

I am going to try to make this one

Team Pub Trivia is back Saturday night at Savannah Oaks. This will be a general knowledge subject evening so show up at eight. Teams can be up to six members. If I make it I hope some team will take pity and let me in. I have not been at the last few and I hear the younger folks are starting to make their elders look bad. We have lived longer so we must know more, right? We will see....

Get rid of those records!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Time to step up! Help cover the booth.

Summer lunches for kids

 Am I the only one that sees this as strange? I constantly see ads indicating kids can now get lunches all summer paid for the the State Board of Education. Is this not the same body that constantly cries they are not funded sufficiently? Many, many kids already get free lunches during the school year and it is now expanded to the full year.
I am not cold hearted but come on, is it the responsibility of the government to supply that? How about food pantries, the Snap program (food stamps), churches, or just simply providing for your own kids during the summer? Where does this end? When I was in school there were NO free lunches and I didn't see kids starving in the streets. I could have missed a few meals myself and probably been better off!
 O.K., let then angry emails start. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

We're up and running!

 The skimmer is back on the lake and has taken a pretty good bite out of Fisherman's Cove already. As I watched they were heading toward the Dip so I am not sure if they were going to hit it today also or start on it tomorrow. Give them a little time to get things looking good again. Remember they are way behind waiting for the repairs.

Skimmer update

 As it turns out when they got into the skimmer there was a weld that broke ( not a shear pin) so it is being re-welded in Belvidere and a new lift part sent from the manufacturer. It is being repaired as quickly as possible so bear with us and it will be back on the lake soon.
 The repairs and part are covered under warranty but that doesn't help the lake fingers while we wait.

Be good to the old girl!

Not ours but general appearance
FOR SALE – 2010 Chevrolet Impala Police Sedan. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Candlewick Lake Administration Office (13400 Hwy 76, Poplar Grove) until noon, August 13, 2015. Sold as is, 127,567 miles. Interested parties may call Chief Wood at 815-765-2827 x 212.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

O.K.... What's with the lake???

A couple of things I pointed out last week. The skimmer will have a learning curve since it is a different type machine than any of the guys are used to using. I also mentioned a shear pin was broken and had to be replaced. In order to do that part of the machine needed to be disassembled and a piece welded. This takes time so Maintenance planned to spray Friday to hold down the algae until the skimmer was once again in operation. When they started getting ready to spray the sprayer started leaking and must also be repaired. there couldn't have been a worse time for that to happen.
 Yes, we know how the lake now looks in the inlets and it is a priority. As soon as humanly possible work will begin to clean the algae mat that has formed. Eighty percent of the lake still looks good but that is little comfort to those twenty percent who live near the effected area and must put up with this mess. That is understood.

A slow day so brake dust

 I know we all struggle with brake dust on our rims and tires. I stumbled across a product that really does a good job. I use Dow bathroom cleaner, the one with "scrubbing bubbles." I spray the stuff on the wheel and tire then brush the whitewalls. I let it sit for three or so minutes
then hose it off. If it is really built up I do it twice then use an old rag to wipe off any residue. The lettering is white again and the wheels shine. Just a thought for you that do your own wheels.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Your Sunday Smile

“Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.” 
― Robert A. Heinlein

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Monday, August third

The new Capron Rescue Squad building will have a ribbon cutting ceremony the 3rd and all are invited. It will not be long until it is up and running, a great addition to an already great community. 

Friday, July 24, 2015


The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has "clarified" requirements for individuals becoming naturalized citizens by stripping out the requirement of defending the United States through military service.
"Effective July 21, 2015, new guidance (PA-2015-001) in the USCIS Policy Manual clarifies the eligibility requirements for modifications to the Oath of Allegiance. Reciting the Oath is part of the naturalization process. Candidates for citizenship normally declare that they will “bear arms on behalf of the United States” and “perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States” when required by the lawA candidate may be eligible to exclude these two clauses based on religious training and belief or a conscientious objection," an email from USCIS clarifying the requirements states (bolding is mine).
The new guidance: 
 -May be eligible for modifications based on religious training and belief, or conscientious objection arising from a deeply held moral or ethical code.
-Is not required to belong to a specific church or religion, follow a particular theology or belief, or to have had religious training in order to qualify.
-May submit, but is not required to provide, an attestation from a religious or other type of organization, as well as other evidence to establish eligibility.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Now this made me smile and agree!

I knew it was going too smoothly

small part with a big job!
Our new skimmer was doing a great job from all reports. The lake was looking wonderful. Of course here comes Murpy's Law. A shear pin is broken so the machine can not be used until it is replaced and it is a job to do so. The guys are working on it but it may take some time just when the coves are starting to again fill with floating mats. Maintenance will be spraying to knock it down the best they can but it may be an ugly weekend with the heat and as of now little wind. A perfect combination for a bloom. Rest assured the guys are on it and doing their best and that is all we can ask.

 A shear pin, for those not knowing, is a pin that will break off before damage is done to a crankshaft or major component if something jams the mechanism. Boat motors have these so if you run into a rock or aground you will not ruin the motor. 

There are currently a record number of beaches closed due to the rain. We are not alone!

Beach is closed until further notice.
Due to the recent rains we have had, the e-coli levels exceed the Health Department standards.

More of our "buddies"

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Personal board meeting notes from 7-21-2015

Board meeting notes... July 21, 2015
Attendance was light as has become the norm.

Public Forum included a suggestion with the next patrol vehicle we consider en electric car for fuel efficiency.

The AQUA update... The well pump was pulled for repair July 8th. Hopefully it will be back in service soon but tests must be run after that to be sure the bacteria level is safe. They are currently waiting for parts to repair the pump so the timing is in question. We are running currently on back-up. Joel from AQUA was in attendance and commented on the new law regarding water utilities and infrastructure charges, indicating why he feels this is actually a good law for Candlewick. We will see. He also reported manhole work is in progress. He hopes to provide some old fire hydrants for use by the dog park as decoration. A neat idea!

Finance Commission reports write offs in the amount of $3,899.81. Accounting adjustments total $1,977.70.
The standing at the end of June is Operating cash of $1,339,697.60, Operating investments of $285,362.87, Road investments of $315,168.72, Reserve investments $3,505,506.77. Total investments $4,106,038.36 and Total cash of $5,445,706.66. Remember these numbers look great but the reserves will drop by around $700,000 when we pay for the roads project.
We are currently under budgeted expense by $58,667.33 and under revenue budget $7,591.10, meaning we are “to the good” by $51,076.23 fiscal year to date.

The Capron Rescue Squad building continues to progress. There is to be a ribbon cutting August third at ten a.m. with some government officials on hand. All are invited. The Rescue Squad board voted to contribute their half of the cost of resurfacing Maintenance Drive as was agreed earlier. It will be close to twenty nine thousand.

Our roads project is complete for the year. Some manholes still need work but that is a separate AQUA project. It appears we came in approximately $103,000 under budget for the work. We are getting bids to seal the lot at the office and Savannah Oaks. Striping will be in house.

Lake Management reports the plants for the final planting of the Whiting Park bioswale will be picked up July 23rd and planting will resume with all volunteers needed for completion. Help will be needed on the 25th starting at 8 a.m. at Whiting Park. The Eco-Harvestor is working well clearing algae and cutting weeds. Don Trippicio has volunteered to let maintenance dock the harvester at his pier. Joe Rush is still researching viability of microbial solutions for our lake.

The Rec Commission reports Karate class has 7 participants, the dog park is up and running, Pickleball will start again this fall, the pool is now in good shape with the heaters running and cleaning ongoing. 26 kids have signed up for summer camp, Glo Go Fun run will be held September 8th, and the kayaks have been rented 14 times so far this summer.

The Events Commission reports our 4th of July parade was the largest ever and there was very positive feedback on the parade, band, and fireworks. They are requesting the board allow our gates to be open for the vendor fair coming October 3rd as well as any in the future.

The golf course update indicates the amount and consistency of rain is a problem but they are coping. A condition developed with some of the greens drying up, oddly enough. Inspection showed it is not a disease problem but lack of root uptake by the grass so a wetting agent was applied and it seems to be correcting.

Savannah Oaks clubhouse reports June has seen steadily increasing sales. We have a new manager for the clubhouse. The youth league is doing well but the Father's Day tournament was a disappointment. The first D.J. Night was June 27th and it was a big hit! Pub trivia is doing well.

The Outpost information gathering is continuing but no new report at this time. It is being looked at for possible repair or replacement next year.

The volunteer appreciation dinner was once again discussed. As reported last month, the date has been set at October tenth. Things are moving ahead.

We need to replace one of the mowers at Savannah Oaks. It has simply reached the point of no return so the board voted to buy a replacement mower. We are contracting course maintenance to an outside service this year (Links Management) but equipment repair and replacement is still at our cost. To date all comments about the course to my knowledge have been positive.

West Gate manning hours was another item for discussion. If we were to man that gate the same as the East Gate the increased cost would be in the $93,000 range for the year. As it is all property owners have entry and exit ability 24 hours so it seems pointless to add around $40.00 to each dues yearly assessment for guests to have access. The idea was dropped.

The dog park is open and the question of Borditella vaccinations came up. The rules say it is necessary in order to register a dog for park use. Your board decided to keep the rule in place and dogs must be vaccinated by a vet.

There has been talk of spending more money promoting Candlewick to those outside our area through advertising and other means. The Communications Commission was asked to produce a plan for possible inclusion into next year's budget. The final decision regarding expenditures will be made when the budget if finalized for the 2015/2016 fiscal year.

Your board voted to allow our General Manager the authority to advertise and accept the best bid for the squad car that has been replaced this year.

Caledonia Road clean up is the responsibility of your board. It has not been mowed for some time and weeds are waist high so we will wait until a mowing even if it is in fall. The job is impossible in the weeds.

Be sure to watch for official minutes printed in your Candlewick Paper.
Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 7-20-2015
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to two (2) medical calls this past week. One (1) of our residents was transported to the hospital.
Car Fire
Public Safety responded to the 200 blk. of Rochester for the report of a car fire. Upon arrival, the fire had been extinguished. Fire and Police nevertheless, continued to respond. There were no injuries. It was unknown how this fire started.
Suspicious Activity
Public Safety responded to 2000 blk. of CWD for a report of suspicious activity occurring after midnight. A resident related she observed a pick-up truck stop in the street, a male exited the vehicle and stood by some bushes for a few minutes. He suddenly jumped back in the pick-up and departed. The Officer did search the area and summoned the BCSO to assist him. Nothing was located.
ATV Complaint
Public Safety responded to the area of Savanah Oaks for a report of an ATV damaging CWL property. Upon arrival, an investigation was conducted revealing damage to a lawn and the youths who did this damage. Parents were contacted and citations issued.
Lake Report
Our Lake Patrol did not have much to report this week. The extreme weather put a damper on Candlewick Lake activity. There were no major incidents.
Citations Issued: 13
Warnings Issued: 18
Mowing Citations: 3

Save your association money!

This coming Saturday, July 25th, will be the final planting of the bioswales. The area is prepared and set to go so just show up at Whiting Park in the morning to help out. I believe we are compensated $22.50 for each volunteer hour spent so this adds up as a direct saving to Candlewick.

It's a slow Tuesday, bear with me

(not my motor)
 Sunday evening Fran and I were out in our boat. I always reach back with my right hand to steer and control the gas on the motor. It hit me that the steering arm and throttle are on the wrong side of the motor, meaning a person has to twist far back with the shoulder to grasp and control the motor. If I turn the other direction and control the boat with my left hand it is much easier but I don't have the grip and mobility I do with my right.
  My question is why, when the vast majority of people are right handed, would they put the control arm of the side of the motor furthest away from the right hand? Am I missing something? If this is such a good idea why don't rifle manufacturers put the bolt lever over on the left side of the gun so you have to operate it with the wrong hand?
  Earth shattering? Heck no! It is just another of those things that seem odd to me. As Andy Rooney used to say on 60 Minutes... "Ever wonder why?..."

Coming tomorrow... board meeting notes from Tuesday night.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Spillway valve opened

Due to the excess rain our lake is above normal pool. This is our chance to open the valve at the spillway and get rid of some of the unoxygenated water in the lowest stratus of the lake. This should also allow for the washout of some of the accumulated sediment in that area. This is a good thing!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Friday, July 17, 2015

Thursday, July 16, 2015

So far so good...

As you know, our skimmer has arrived and is in operation. The operators seem happy with the results so far and compliments are coming in about the improvement in lake appearance. The skimmed algae and cut weeds are being dropped in the maintenance area to be mixed and dried and that also seems to be working. Have we hit a home run with this equipment? Time will tell but here's hoping! It is not a cure-all but it is making a difference.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

An interesting thought

Wolf in sheep's clothing
I was reading something a few days ago that brought forward a point I have not considered. We have all heard the statement "You are judged by the friends you keep" or a variation of that theme. It was pointed out you are not only judged by that but also by those who are your enemies. 

 It makes you think. Everyone has those who do not wish them well. What do others think of the people who consider you an enemy? If those who consider you an enemy are of questionable character it actually will enhance other's opinion of you. Kind of interesting, isn't it. There are those who wish I would just disappear into the woodwork but I am comfortable with that. That is part and parcel to having a board seat unless you take no strong stands. It is what it is..........

Savannah Oaks Country Night

July 25th starting at 8 Savannah Oaks will host "Country Night." Stop in and see what all the fuss is about. Boots, cowboy hats, even spurs are welcome. Join your friends or bring a posse with you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 7-13-2015
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to five (5) medical calls this past week. Four (4) of our residents were transported to the hospital.
Public Safety responded to the 100 blk. of CWD for a dispute between a resident and a cement company. The Officer mediated and resolved the issue.
Public Safety responded to Highland Valley Green for an unknown problem. Upon arrival, it was learned a father and son were having an argument. The Officer was able to calm the situation.
Juvenile Problem
Public Safety responded to Castaway Park for a juvenile problem. Older children had begun to bully some younger children. The Officer investigated the problem and although he did not receive much cooperation, he did resolve the issue. There were no injuries.
Public Safety responded to another juvenile problem in the 500 blk. of Pembroke in which it was reported children were fighting among themselves. Upon the arrival of the Public Safety Officer, the issues were resolved, all parties cooperated.
Barking / Loose Dogs
Public Safety responded to four (4) barking dog calls this past week. A citation and a warning were issued. Two (2) dogs could not be located.
Lake Report
Our Lake Patrol had a quiet week on Candlewick Lake. There were no major incident and few minor issues.
We would like to relate our new Patrol Boat was successfully launched this past week. It is fully outfitted as a lake patrol boat and is operating as well as we had hoped. Our Lake Patrol is very grateful to our residents for this upgrade in their most important piece of equipment.
Citations Issued: 17
Warnings Issued: 16
Mowing Citations: 9

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sunday Concert the 19th of July.. 6:30, Rec Center

The band plays a mix of music, from the ’60s, ’70s, up to today’s hits, plus original songs

A little computer history

Believe it or not, the world of computers didn't begin with Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. 

Back in 1983, Morley Safer sat down with 76-year-old U.S. Navy Captain Grace Hopper who, at the time, had the distinction of being the oldest woman in the Armed Forces. But that was far from the only reason she merited a 60 Minutes profile. Way back in 1944, Hopper helped design the legendary Mark series of computers at Harvard University. 

Hopper is perhaps best known for figuring out the way to make computers "talk." As Morley put it in his piece: "She is more than just a superb mathematical talent; it was Grace Hopper who helped teach the machines a language, stopped them from speaking in undecipherable numbers, enabled them to speak in English or French or German or whatever language you choose." 

And, if you've ever used the expression "bug" to describe a computer malfunction or software problem, you've got Ms. Hopper to thank as well. In 1947, something went haywire in the Mark II computer system. Upon closer inspection, a dead moth was discovered in the wiring and removed. From that point on, Hooper said, when anything went wrong with the computer, everyone said "it has a bug in it." 

Not long after this piece first ran on 60 Minutes, Hopper was promoted to commodore, and when that post was merged with rear admiral in 1985, she became Admiral Hopper. She passed away on January 1, 1992 and was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery."

Saturday, July 11, 2015

I had to share this

From Senator Dave Syverson's Facebook post. A lot of truth here!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Skimmin' dem weeds!

Thursday around eleven the truck wheeled into Candlewick carrying our new skimmer/harvester. Considering the cost I was hoping it was gold plated but no luck. After about an hour and a half of instruction into the lake it went. I was actually surprised how many weeds were coming up the conveyor right away. Next it hit an algae mat and seemed to skim it fine.
Some things must be remembered. This will take time to learn the most efficient was to use it. The skimmer can not be everywhere at once and everyone will want their bay first. Until we catch up this will be a slow process. Your maintenance department knows how to use the machine as well as necessary maintenance so we should be ready to roll. Next spring we will be on top of the problem right away so it should not get so out of hand. Your maintenance guys will do their best for you.

Just arrived from Wisconsin

A little practice

Let's see how it does on that gunk!

Plowin' right in!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Get ready to walk those dogs!

The “Outpost Run” Dog Park will open on July 13, 2015. You can start registering your dogs at the Rec Center beginning at 9:00 AM on July 13th. Dogs must be registered before entering the park. Dog Park Rules and Regulations are available at the Rec Center and on the Candlewick Web-site.

A tournament for you Landlubbers

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Candlewick Lake Public Safety
Week Ending 7-6-2015
Rescue Calls
Public Safety responded to eight (8) medical calls this past week. Six (6) of our residents were transported to the hospital.
Disorderly Conduct
Public Safety responded to the vicinity of Friendship Park for a report of fireworks being thrown from a pickup truck. The offender(s) could not be located.
Mailboxes were damaged in the 2000 blk. of CWD. The offender(s) are unknown at this time.
Suspicious Persons
Public Safety responded to the Rec Center Pool for the report of two males who had just been kicked out of the pool area for being intoxicated. Upon arrival, the Officer located the two (2) men. They did appear intoxicated. Breaching a language barrier, they were told to depart and not come back until the next day or they would be cited. The men complied.
Vehicle Accident
Public Safety, while on routine patrol, located a motorcycle lying on its side in the 900 block of CWD. The driver was not injured and declined assistance. He related he was trying to turn when another vehicle came by and he had to stop suddenly. He lost his balance, the bike tipped over. Our Officer assisted him in getting his bike up so he could be on his way.
Barking / Loose Dogs
Public Safety responded to two (2) barking dog calls this past week.
Lost Bicycle
A Public Safety Officer located the following bicycle lying near the Outpost, unclaimed. Please notify Public Safety if you can identify this bike as yours:
Blue Mountain Sports SX (this bike did not possess a CWL bike registration)
Lake Report
Our Lake Patrol did issue several citations for speeding this past week. Please slow down while operating boats and watercraft on CWL.
The Fourth of July Holiday Fireworks went off without incident at the Rec Center and on CWL. Thank you everyone for being wonderful during our annual event.
Citations Issued: 14
Warnings Issued: 7

In case you haven't driven by...

 I make it a point to check often on the progress of the Capron Rescue Squad building as it is being constructed. It is kind of out of the way so many of you probably don't make it back there. As you can see it is really coming along. Won't be long now!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Eco Harvester delivery delay & roads

It was to arrive today but it will be the 9th instead and it is needed. The delay could be a good thing because they are to train maintenance on how to use it and in the rain that would have been tough to do.
 Tuesday if it is dry enough the Petromat is to be laid on the roads weather permitting. We want this done right so if it is too wet they should hold off. When it is being laid there may be some traffic delays so please be patient. The project can not be completed until the Petromat is laid and the second layer of asphalt applied. It is getting there.

Tuesday, July 7th

Aqua will undertake emergency maintenance on Candlewick’s primary drinking water well. During this emergency maintenance, Aqua will use our backup well. This backup well supplies water that is treated to meet all of the state and federal safe drinking water requirements. However, water from the backup well might have a higher concentration of naturally occurring iron, and iron can discolor water. Aqua plans to complete our well repairs within two weeks. Please call us at 877.987.2782 if you have any questions.
Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015

Savannah Oaks 4th of July closing hour

The fourth of July Savannah Oaks will be closing the clubhouse at 8 P.M. so be sure all you golfers plan accordingly. Your families would beat you with a club if you weren't home for the fireworks anyway.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A little something extra!


Enter at the rec center.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Constitution & pool

 Cars will be able to get through with patience Thursday but I would suggest using other gates. There will be a lot of road work going on there. The roads project will not be finished by July 4th as they hoped but there have been lots of rain problems and some of this can not be finished with the binder layer being wet. We want this done right and of course the engineers are keeping an eye on it as well.
 A company is coming out to check out the pool heaters that have been malfunctioning so hopefully there will be a solution. If not we will just have to buy new heaters. The weather being so cool has made the pool stay very chilly with the heater malfunctions. Hang in there.

Who the heck is 'PHIDGET?" They are here on the 4th